The Love I Never Had


6e05b8e2fcdd38e7771da3d3da83c659 The Love I Never Had
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Give someone wings and they may fly too close to the sun. And give them the power of prophecy and they may live in fear of the future. And give them the greatest gift of all powers beyond imagination and they may think they are meant to rule the world…

This is my story…

From the very first moment I was born into this sin world I was blessed just like everyone else on earth, but quite a little bit more. I was gifted with a smile as sweet and soft as a baby gentle sigh.

The caring look and lovely smile my mom gave me at that astonished moment even added to my soul.

And my dad first amazing blooming touch inspired me to embrace the world and everything around it with love and care. The over-whelming happiness around me triggered me to drawn my first breathe from the beauty of the golden morning sunlight. The joy of having me filled their soft heart with content to celebrate my day, that was the first noble day my name was whispered in merriment as they drink from the diamond jug of sweet-soft morning wine. By this time my tiny heart was filled with joy and now I was created for a greater course, to serve the most exquisite purpose of life…

Now days as turned into weeks, weeks into months and months into years. I believe to have been a full grown man by now and I had my fair of hardship and pain. Then I realized that nobody can ever escape the inevitable test of nature, we can hide but we can never hide from our own self, out reflections always cast upon the surface in over very eyes revealing our true nature.

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My name is Danjumah and I’m lost in an ocean of thoughts not knowing what to with all the gift that I have been gifted, not knowing how to craw my way back from the deep. The truth lingering around my head and my flows hovering above me. My hope is the little spark of the light I see from down beneath my pain and that light is a reminder that the eyes watching down upon me carry with it extra-ordinary powers. That power made me believe that heart is human, whatever we choose is what we become in person and display in reality. Everybody has reasons to fear but maybe I was born with none. I was once added that could looked into the eyes of death and not move an inch, feeling inside me that whatever happens next was meant to be. My badness made me who I am and life inspired and compelled me to learn from the old.

Now I have done my fair share of whatever that was given to me to learn from and I found nothing but the truth gazing at me with a sharp smile of comfort. That was the light and whatsoever that comes along with it inspire me with fear, because I swear that I must have missed the moment each day without believing the truth from the sound of the wind that whispered so beautiful to me.

Now I believe that I was born to accept my faith. it’s a reality I must face, And this is my fear. It is true that at this point in time I have come to know quite well about the world we live in. This believe shaped my whole life. The pain I feel are no longer mine. I tried to hide myself around the corners of the world till I was unable to run no further. My pain rewrite themselves each time I close my eyes, having felt the pain of others resting roughly upon my shoulder… Then I knew it was meant for me to never let anyone behind without giving them my hand and heart to lift them too. At this point I say let his will be done. I pray to be blessed so I can help others in need of whatever I can offer and I pray for them to be bless too so they can play a role in my life.

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I wondered how beautiful and warm some people laugh and smile carrying a dark thought of others in their gentle mind. If the world was a little bit fairer maybe I wouldn’t have to be me and I love me for who I am, maybe nobody cares but I cares about me and that’s really what does matter and nothing is going to change that fact.

I didn’t asked to be me but am me anyways that is reality. They said I’m quite funny jovial or whatever way they can rather have it.

My laugh was not to forget my sorrows it is to understand the world. My jokes are not for free others always indirectly give in return {Contentment} it is like a win-win game. Never looked at the face of anyone to judge them nor judged from their smile even that can deceive deeply. To know the truth about anyone look directly into their face (eyes) and narrow it down to their heart those are two (2) place that doesn’t lie. Close one’s such as a part to play in everyone’s life. But sincerely speaking I have not be in so much happiness around mine, we always have the tendency to push ourselves away but magically and miraculously the love within the circle never waves or warble, our bond is almost unbreakable that is the one thing I’m sure of. This I made personal of the life I’m given – as long as I am allowed to live I will not stop cherishing and uniting them in the best way. I know how until my days is exhausted and I’m put to rest. Because they are the remainder of love I never had, I only breathe just so they can be contented with whatever life got to offer in exchange for my sweat of struggles.

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Never really like the way things are going around me nor Like me for being me, but inevitably man must accept the life he’s given to succeed in this world. And I promise to use it as a weapon to shape the way things are around me.

It is true that no one truly understand me for who I am.

Written by Henry last trap

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