Textonphoto20210422_233052 THE STARS AND THE IGNORED ONE
Poem by Valerie

Alone in the night and a heaven full of stars

Looking up at the sky, I can see everything,the whole of this world.

I see the stars, dazzling stars.

They look all the same to me and they make me wonder and realize as they all come back to one that we do not often notice.

 The stars are a reminder of the brief time we share on this planet.

They are the bright symbols of man’s hope and fame.

Compared to the stars in the sky, we are just a speck because they are so far away and yet so close.

We do not realise that it is all connected as it comes back to one that we choose to ignore which is the sun.

The sun is also a star,our greatest symbol of hope, for a new day, a new beginning because even in a world of darkness,you will always see light..

– Valerie


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