The Deadly mosquitoes and Surprising facts about them

Mosquitoes are Insects “vectors” (disease carriers) transmitting germs, viruses and diseases from one person to another in the process of feeding. Mosquitoes is one of the most common insects in the world, thus it also stands as a great threat to the world as it affects a large geographical area or region. It is therefore regarded as a Deadly animal.


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Research proves that; Hundreds of thousand people die every year due to Malaria, Yellow Fever, Zika virus and Minnesota all spread by Mosquitoes. According to the World Health Organization, mosquito bites result in the deaths of more than 1 million people every year. The majority of these deaths are due to malaria.

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Aedes_aegypti The Deadly mosquitoes and Surprising facts about them


The surprising facts facts about mosquito is that; (i) not all mosquitoes actually feed on blood as only female mosquitoes feed on blood for the purpose of reproduction, to produce eggs. While Male feed on plants nutrients and most times act as agent of pollution on flowers.

ii. Male Mosquitoes lives indoors and out doors so as the Females

iii. Mosquitoes have a short Life span and most people believed that mosquitoes Live for only two days but this is only true if the mosquito get killed while trying to feed on Human blood, the average lifespan of a mosquito is 7days but most Adult mosquitoes could live for about 2 to 4 weeks depending on the species and climate factors of that area.

Females often live longer than the Males even as they are evil blood suckers.

iv. A bite of mosquito drain about 0.001 to 0.01 millitres of blood that makes it Life threatening for a person losing 2litres of blood.

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v. The speed of Mosquitoes is about 1.2 – 2.4km/hr depending on species and age.

vi. Mosquitoes are attracted to salt, potassium and lactic acid released by your body

vii. Mosquitoes are repelled by garlic scent, Peppermint and Basil.


To prevent mosquitoes – We most keep our environment clean and tidy always.

– Avoid storing water, whether dirty or clean water

– Frequent disposal of dustbin

– Use proper neting in ventilation

– make use of mosquito net

– Spray insecticide when your home is locked and you’re going to be out for a long while.

– avoid eating salty and too much potassium as they attract mosquitoes.

– Always make use of fans to blow them off.

Let us try to take all precautions to defeat this Deadly animal, It’s just too tiny to be this Dangerous.

Written by Masud Umoru


Wikipedia: Mosquitoes

Google: Deadly mosquitoes disease / Mosquitoes

Photos source: Google image

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