Episode 1 – Family

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Everyone has a story to tell; love, hate, hardship, tragic. There’s always a lesson to learn. For me I’m going to tell you my own love story containing; love, hate, hardship, tragic. I hope you’ll find it interesting. 

 My name is Farad I’m 21 years old. I have crushed on so many girls in the past 4 years no one was like the love stories I’ve read until my 21st year birthday my story became a bit spicy. 

 First let me introduce you to my humble family, My dad Mr. Ahmed Zubairu is a popular politician in Nigeria and he barely have time to sit with us (his children) always out with friends or business meetings. My mom, Late Mrs. Ahmed Aisha that’s a tragic story I just don’t wanna remember. She died in a plane crash on her way to Spain two years ago. Yeah, it’s still a fresh wound and it hurt really bad because she was the only one who care to ask us how we were faring. A mother is always there for her children and I’m happy she left me with ladies to keep me company. My two pretty sisters Zainab and Maryam. They preferred being called by their Christian names (Naomi & priscilla) which my mum gave them. My mum was a Christian and we her children were Christians but my story change after her death. My dad made sure I always followed him to the Mosque on Fridays and I started enjoying it, sure it was surprising for my two sisters to see me finding the religion interesting and they did wondered why… Priscilla suspected I might be crushing on someone there and I laughed over it. But truly it wasn’t because of anyone. 

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 1

  Priscilla was my younger sister so she hang out with me more and I love been with her because she look exactly like my mum and she’s also fun to be with. On a blue Friday she decides to escort me to the Mosque just to know if there really was anyone I’m seeing after Jumat service, funny right? She had to sit outside to wait till the end. I was in for two straight hours, she just kept herself busy by doing little shopping in a small kiosk along the mosque. The moment people started leaving the mosque, she worked closer to find me. Just as I came out, I saw her weaving her hands up in the crowd. Before I could take a step ..boom..! I was hit by a handbag. I looked up with my dazzling eyes(have always seen this in movie but could never imagins it happens for real); the sun reflection made it worse, so I could only see shadows of girls (I hope it not what am thinking); walking down the stairs and then she walked down to me pulling me out of my thought.. ‘Am sorry, can I have my bag?’ And I replied: yeah, sure. You must be?? She said: I’m Zara and you?… Oh nice name, I’m Farad. She replied: Nice name too I’ve heard so much about you and I’m glad I met you. I got to go now, my friends are waiting! Bye!. So strange, I wanted to ask her to wait but she left so fast. Priscilla just staring with a smile on. I walked down to her and ask her if she saw what just happened but she laughed and said “so that’s the girl?” she’s not that bad and you never talked about her. I tried to explain to Priscilla what just happened but she didn’t want to listen because she didn’t believe that was the first time I met Zara. I was so confused because of Zara’s reaction that day. Could it be she has been stocking me for the past 2years? What can I believe now?. I will have to find out how she heard about me and whatever she heard.

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 8

That Night, Priscilla told Naomi what she saw and they both made a laughing stock. I didn’t bother explaining anything to them. I just let fate explain everything. But when?.. I don’t know. It’s Family night, dad was back and Naomi as the eldest served him food and we all sat down in the sitting room and guess what… The channel was on NTA. What else could we watch in a politician house other than News….

To be continued..

Episode 2 is Titled “Daddy’s Girlfriend”

Prologue: Mr. Ahmed Zubair opened up to his children about his relationship with a co-friend. He then invite her over for a night dinner so his children would know her. Seeing her was a shock to Farad! What! 

Read Next Episode >>

Episode written by Masud Umoru, Dami Rasak & Dangote D Comedian.

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FGCID Alumni Blog

Wow interesting

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Wow… lovely…

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Intriguing…my genius baby

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Bruca’s Blog

Thank you ☺️☺️… I hope you're excited to see what comes next

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Bruca’s Blog

Thank you very much ☺️☺️

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Rosheedat Ayomide

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