8 – She’s Falling for you


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  Author’s POV.

we hurt the one’s we love, but hurting ourselves to avoid it won’t make it
better.- Shannon A. Thompson. I have to hurt Zara to get her back if that’s all
it takes.

     Farad’s POV.

game is on! Priscilla and I made plans on how to set Zara’s heart on fire
without involving Naomi because if she know she wouldn’t permit us to go on
with the plan. Naomi didn’t even notice it was all a game. It wasn’t hard to
set the confusion because Faridat was already crushing on me. And I didn’t mean
to play with her feelings but if I had tell her it’s all a game to get Zara,
she wouldn’t have played it well..( Am sorry faridah but I have to do this to
get back my love).

was already feeling uncomfortable with Faridat’s regular visit to her
place..but she doesn’t wanna spill it out just yet. The last time she (Faridat)
came to the house she made it clear to Zara that she wasn’t here for her best
friend but for her step. (What!!!?)Zara was speechless that day and she rather
just stay silent and watch what was going on….


 OMG it seems faridat want to see crazy. Let me
still give her a last chance because I can’t share what’s MINE.(MINE?) I find
myself asking no one in particular.

    Farad’s POV.

wasn’t finding my time with Faridat interesting because deep down I just want
Zara to be forced to join us in our conversation together, but was disappointed
because she prefer to ignore or maybe she is just pretending. Well my new love
guru Priscilla told me to act like I don’t care and focus on Faridat like I
really like her. At this time I didn’t know things will get rough and cause a
rift between the two friends.

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 12

spending the whole day with me, Faridat wish I could take her on a date to a
dessert beach but I gave her excuse that my dad won’t permit that movement. She
urged me to plead with my dad to allow me take her out. She also said that she
would intercede if she sees me begging him. I didn’t know what to say at that
moment because she was giving me a seductive eye so I told her it’s okay that
I’ll try…when Zara saw the way she was looking then she coughed to get our
attention… because she was just 10 meters away from where we were sitting,
I’m sure she heard all we discussed and that really burst her bubbles. 

Zara! I didn’t know you were sitting nearby, what’s up with you? – Faridat
asked Zara. Shocking to her Zara didn’t say a word. She excuse me and walked
down to meet her. What’s wrong Zara? She asked with concern in her eye. Nothing
is wrong Faridat, except that your visit here is no longer needed…Zara never
knew she was shouting at faridat all along.. What! What do you mean by that
Zara? She asked aggressively. She continued: See let me tell you, am not your
puppet or something you can just control anyhow you like. We are suppose to be
best friends and you’re giving me attitude all because of my closeness with
your step brother? Nah nah nah I won’t take that.

stood up and said: Faridat, I can’t believe you the one doing this to me(
almost in tears). You are my closet friend that knows virtually everything
about me. You know what I feel and how it hurt to stay this way and you just
want to use that opportunity against me why faridat??? With tears coming down
from her eyes.

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 6

No Zara. I can’t do that to you. Honestly I’m in love with Farad and I have
totally fallen for him…. please faridat don’t fall in love with what is mine

walked in to meet the drama. While Priscilla was peeping from aside 

what the hell is going on here? What did I hear you just say. You are falling
for whom?

whole room went mute…

OMG am doom for..(  what do I do now?)

To be continued…

Next Episode is Titled “I Love You”

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Story Written by Masud Umoru and Dami Rasak

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