IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Season 2 Episode 3]

 Episode 3 – The Devil behind Everything pt 1



Author’s POV
Life is the same for everyone. Everyone face challenges because we all have enemies. The only different here is the challenges our enemies make us face, some might be tougher than the other. 

Farad’s POV
Just when you thought everything would be fine, a problem arise, that’s something you’d have to deal with to make everything go back to normal.

This whole trouble I found myself seems to be all planned up by this unknown  guy who parades himself as the “Boss”. I have no idea who he is, but I know he’s a Devil.
I don’t know what his motives are and what he is capable of doing. Am beginning to get scared for my sweetheart. I must warn Zara that someone dangerous is coming for her…buh how will I get to her the network here is really bad.
While trying to reach out to Zara, I also tried to find a way out of this dungeon. Since my calls couldn’t connect, I sent Zara a text message instead. Hoping it delivers on time. 

I started thinking of a plan to get out of where I was kept. I had to observe the whole room to know the easiest way out…this was the situation I notice that am good at thinking. I can’t just stay here without doing anything about my safety , I have to leave as soon as I can. The ceiling was a no go area because there was nothing to climb on to bore a hole on the pop. Trying to break through would be a lot more difficult because there was nothing strong to use to cause such damage( common farad think). I got frustrated and nearly gave up until I saw a fork on the floor. I bent the fork and I used it to loosen the screws on the door lock. I did it carefully without a sound and the door opened(I always see this in a movie never knew I could actually become a victim one day. Then I locked it back so no one will notice I had escaped. I continued to move carefully trying to find my way to the exit. At this time the whole yard was empty. When I came out of the warehouse, I saw they were drinking beneath a tree about 40 meters away. It was all God Mercy that I wasn’t caught.
I was totally blank on where to go since it was Mid-night and I had no Idea where I was taken. When I checked my wristwatch, I saw it was 10pm. For the first time I was so scared and see reasons why I must prepare myself for a greater battle…Oh my goodness
On getting to the main road, I got a cab and I gave him my home address. While he drove me home, I worried about the well-being of Zara.   

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 8


At Zara ends
Zara was still worried about the suddenly disappearance of Farad and up until now she hasn’t heard from him. She kept on checking her phone to see if he was going to reply her SMS that she sent to him around 8:30pm. She looks at wall clock it was already 9:58pm. So she gave the wait and prepare to crash for the night, then she heard footstep.
Boss open Farad’s phone and read Zara’s SMS. “Hey Babe! Hope you are fine? I’ve been worried about your sudden move and my feeling tells me something is wrong. Please tell me what is going on with you”
Zara heard a knock on her door and at the same time Farad’s message popped in on her phone. she opened the message and then opened the door with her head bent down reading the text on her phone which says “DO NOT OPEN FOR ANYONE WHO WILL KNOCK YOUR DOOR TONIGHT” with fear she looked up and saw who she opened her door for. Behold it was “Boss”!
Zara: Rasheed, what are you doing here late this night?
Boss: Hello Baby! Is that how you welcome your Ex boyfriend?..What the hell!!!


 To be continued… 

Written by Masud Umoru and Dami Rasak


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