The Young Scholar Episode 9


flyerdesign_18012023_134643 The Young Scholar Episode 9


Author’s POV

There’s only one who gives and take life… it is He Allah (SWT) Indeed if you get close to your Lord, you will be unstoppable. So build up your Iman to the extent you fear nothing else but Allah and love Allah with all your heart.

Doctor: How come he’s still alive?

The doctor felt so surprised about this incident and so he asked Abdulrasaq to come and see him in his office

Doctor: Your test are complete and the results are out

Abdulrasaq: okay

Doctor: According to the first test we carried out when you got here, it shows a deadly substance was added to your food that evening. 

Abdulrasaq: (subhanallah) so the old woman was right after all

Doctor: The old woman said something to you?

Abdulrasaq: she told me that three women were sad about what I preached on Friday. And one of them is my neighbor

Doctor: They’re sad about what you preached?

Abdulrasaq: I guess they felt I was preaching about them. 

Doctor: hmmm… Who do you suspect would be this neighbor? 

Abdulrasaq: in Islam it’s not right to suspect… And all these are trials from Allah and He only can help me pass it. I live in this life like it’s a school, Allah gave us a book to read and learn more about Him and then He gave us trials as test and someday, we will die and answer the question of the grave. A question that can’t be answered by our mouth but only with our hearts. That’s an exam we must prepare for, because if we fail then we lose everything.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 6

Doctor: (feeling so emotional) before now, I knew nothing about Islam. I have heard things about the religion and I had seen it like a Buddhist stuff. I never knew they had miracles happening in Islam until I met you. After carrying out a second test I saw the poison was gone and you’re more healthy than you before.

Abdulrasaq: Alhamdulilah!!! Indeed I must give thanks to my creator

Doctor: (Smiled..) I’m looking forward to learning more about your religion. With the way I feel right I’m certain that someday I’d be a Muslim and a good one.

Abdulrasaq: Inshallah… May Allah wills and May you find peace with it

Doctor: Amin… Don’t worry about any payment. The hospital bill, I’ll take care of it.

Abdulrasaq: Jaza kallahu hayran.. Thank you sir. 

Doctor: you are welcome!

Abdulrasaq: May I take my leave?

Doctor: Yes of course

They shook hands and then Abdulrasaq left the office. When he came out, he was the nurse by the door. It was obvious she was listening to their conversation.

Nurse: Are you going home?

Abdulrasaq: yes, I need to go get ready for school.

Nurse: (surprised) Are you still in secondary School?

Abdulrasaq: [smiled..] no, I’m a new teacher in Pathfinder

Nurse: That’s nice… Where do you stay?

Abdulrasaq: I’m sorry… I’m running late, I have to go now

Nurse: please just tell me before you go

He rushed and left without answering her question. The nurse felt so disappointed. It was obvious she was liking the Young Scholar, being so cute sometimes creates a lot of temptations. 

The Young Scholar finds his way home. His neighbors were all sitting together and everyone of them were briefed about what happened to Abdulrasaq last night by mummy Khadijah. When he walked he they were all surprised to see him safe and sound. They all seem happy except one who gave out a fake smile. In her thought… [How come he survived it?].

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 6

Mummy Khadijah: I was about coming to the hospital to see you, before you they come so.

Abdulrasaq: ohhh… I wanted to say Thanks to you and Daddy Khadijah especially for taking care of me yesterday, Allah will continue to reward you both. And thanks to everyone who was concerned about me.

Mummy Khadijah: you are welcome. What are neighbors for?… Anyways I prepared some food for you to eat, should I bring it?

Abdulrasaq: huhh.. [Thinking about the poison (it shows a deadly substance was added to your food that evening )] No I’m late for school, I must hurry up. Thank you ma!.

He zoomed off to take his bath and left to school immediately he finished dressing up. 

With his present state, how will he continue to live with his neighbors?….

To be continued… 

Written by Masud Umoru

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