The Young Scholar Episode 14


flyerdesign_19012023_195726 The Young Scholar Episode 14


Author’s POV

Human’s are forgetful in nature and that’s why Allah sent us
the Quran as a reminder to mankind. Hence, man needs to be constantly reminded
and warned to stay in the right path and increase in faith.


6 months later….

With the help of his three friends, Abdulrasaq was
successfully building up a new Apelle. The Muslims are being reminded about
Allah constantly and gradually their iman increased as Abdulrasaq and his
friends continued to go round. Khadijah on the other hand gathered a group of
girls and started sister’s cycle and held it firmly.

Early on a Saturday morning, Abdulrasaq hanged out with his
new friends (Razzy, Yusuf and Habib) few hours after Subhi, they were sited
under a mango tree discussing about their success and the next step to take.

Razzy – Alhamdulilah… At first I was like what did I know
that I can preach to someone but as time goes on we all learned how to build
our confidence

Yusuf – Indeed we have guided our soul and so Allah has
raised us high and grant us more knowledge

Habib – My Family is so proud of me wallahi. And no one mock
us anymore. Anytime my mom sees me she smiles and ask for forgiveness from
Allah. But she accept her fate that what she did made the change happened

Abdulrasaq – It’s called Qadr. (decree)

Yusuf – Masha.. you know on the other hand things was easy
for us because we were wrong doers and so many people knew how stubborn we were
and they feared us and so when we change because of that fear they listened to
us but Allah definitely do all the miracle

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 7

Abdulrasaq – All the Praise and adoration is due to Allah
the Lord of the world. Now that we have succefully remind the people of Islam, Our
next step is to build the children in the way of Islam.

Habib – How can we do that?

Razzy – I guess their parents will handle that aspect

Yusuf – Let’s hear what the young scholar thinks…

Abdulrasaq – Just like the way Khadijah formed a Sister’s
cycle we could probably do the same for the men.

Yusuf – That’s a very good idea and I think it’s the best
from the angle I’m viewing from.

Habib – Okay… How can we go ahead with this plan?

Abdulrasaq – Well, it’s not that easy. But we have to find
out from Khadijah how she was able to do it alone. Her techniques are what we
will have to follow.

Razzy – You are more close to her than us… maybe you could
help us out.

Abdulrasaq – We’ve not been close like we use to, but I’ll see
how it goes.

[Habib and his fiends
Yusuf & Razzy, were now very sound in Islam knowledge. And they could
preach very well even in the absence of The Young Scholar.]

  Abdulrasaq went home
while Habib and his friends went on a stroll. When he got home, he found
Khadijah plaiting Amina’s hair.

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 18

Abdulrasaq – Asalamu alakum

Khadijah – Wa alaykum salam

Amina – Asalamu alaikum sir

Abdulrasaq – Wa Alaikum salam Aminat, How are you?

Amina – I’m  fine sir

Abdulrasaq – that’s good, please can you give me and your
aunt 10 minutes? We have a very important discussion

Amina – Okay sir… [she excused them both]

Abdulrasaq – Khadijah, I know you don’t want to talk to me
but I want you to know that I’m proud of you

Khadijah – [she smiled this time around..] why are you proud
of someone who is keeping malice with you

Abdulrasaq – you know you don’t have to call it malice
because somehow we do communicate with our eyes.

Khadijah – don’t tell me you do stare at me? [she wanted to
hear him say yes]

Abdulrasaq – Noo I don’t, but sometimes I think I get
carried away

Khadijah – Okay…[she blushed]

Abdulrasaq – do you know what I intend to tell you the night
I fainted?

Khadijah – No… Please tell me. I’ve been waiting to hear

Abdulrasaq – You’re feeling so excited already.

Khadijah – Yes I am

Abdulrasaq – You remember you said you will like to be like
me, to Increase your Iman

Khadijah – Yes

Abdulrasaq – I wanted to tell you that the best way is to
love Allah more than you love anyone.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 10

Khadijah – Just that [Not what she was expecting to hear]

Abdulrasaq – And I see you achieved a lot the past few
months you avoided me. Tell me how did you build the sister’s cycle?

Khadijah – ohhh [she smiled] it wasn’t easy but with the
help of Allah and Fatimah also assisted me a lot. You know most Islamic town
have the sister’s cycle existing. And bringing up the idea most girls finds it
important and my mom met with the older women and we were all set to go.

Abdulrasaq – Amazing.. that’s really awesome. But I’m more
interested on how you get the push?

Khadijah – What push?

Abdulrasaq – What made you get the idea? Were you doing it
to impress your mom?

Khadijah – No Abdulrasaq, I was doing it to impress you

Abdulrasaq – How can? You weren’t talking to me

Khadijah – I know I have avoided you for so long. Believe
me, it was unbearable for me. Do you know why?

Abdulrasaq – No, Tell me?

Khadijah – Because I love you..

Abdulrasaq – [In shock]…What??



To be continued…

Written by Masud Umoru

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