The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 1


1675508257 The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 1

 Author’s POV
Life is deep and hard to explain most times. In some situation we find ourselves, we just lose the sense to decide and live as we are told.

March 5th, 2015

It’s almost 12years since the Young Scholar left the town of Apelle. The growth of the small town “Apelle” has been tremendous following the impact of the Young Scholar. Islam has spread across all corner of the city and the story of Abdulrasaq remains in the heart of the people.

Most people wondered how one boy can change the lifes of so many in a short while but then they reflect back to the favours of Allah and their vision reflect back twice at them and so they understand that everything happens by the will of almighty Allah.

Those who were very close to him miss him so much that they never knew he would stay this long away from the town… Some even tried to find him to Kene as the means of transportation and communication improved. In this time now they exist social media, everyone could easily connect with one another but still the Young Scholar was untraceable.

While everyone else benefits positively from their memories with the Young Scholar. Khadijah is heartbreakoned and torn apart.

Amina – Hey! Big sist. You’ve been patient for so long, waiting for the Young Scholar and turning down many suitors. What if he doesn’t come back?

Khadijah – keep shut!! Amina. I have warned you never to say that word to me again. (Spoke angrily)

Amina – (held her mouth with her two hands). I’m sorry sist.

Mummy Khadijah – My Daughter, your sister is right. You’ve punished yourself for so long. You need to move on with your life.

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 12

Khadijah – Mum, I can’t… Abdulrasaq is the one I intend to spend the rest of my life with and I know he would definitely come back for me.

Mummy Khadijah – But this is 12years apart… Does he really care??

Khadijah – He does (She remembered her last moment with him and burst into tears) He told me that I am the only one who has caught his attention and when the time comes to choose a soulmate, He will choose me.

Mummy Khadijah – If he did said that, He only did so to make you feel better.

Khadijah – No… He feels the same way about me

Amina – Mallam Abdulrasaq is a noble person he would probably find someone by now. Everyone wish for a good man like him. It could be the reason why he’s not coming.

Khadijah – (tears pouring down her chicks) How could he??.. this is unfair. I just don’t know how to feel right now..

Mummy Khadijah – You just have to do the right thing my daughter and make us proud. Your dad isn’t happy seeing you this way. Your friends are all married; Fatimah, Aishat, Summayah… And you are my first daughter, accept Yakub’s proposal and be happy again.

Khadijah – (crying on her mother’s lap) Mom I really don’t know what to do. If that will make you and dad happy. Then fine I’ll accept to marry him.

Amina – Subhanallah!!… Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein.. Sister cheer up. That guy is really nice ohh you will love him.

Mummy Khadijah – I will inform your dad about it. Don’t worry my daughter, Allah will make things better. (She wiped her daughter’s tears). It’s alright okay.

See also  The bleeding heart and the lost world (episode 1)

Later that evening, Yakub came to see the family and Daddy Khadijah told him that the daughter has accepted his proposal and he should get everything ready for their Nikkah.

Daddy Khadijah – Yakub… My daughter is going through an emotional trial. And still I’m entrusting her over you because I see the good in you. Please she’s a woman (created from a very fragile rib) you need to be patient with her.

Yakub – I do understand sir and I thank you so much for the advice. I’ll do my best to take care of her. I truly love your daughter Khadijah.

Daddy Khadijah – I know everything will be fine once you both get married, she will definitely love you.

Yakub – (Smiled) Insha Allah… Thank you very much sir. (He called Khadijah with his handset to signify he was leaving) I’ll have to take my leave now…

Daddy Khadijah – Okay farewell… Take care of yourself and greet your parent for us.

Khadijah – (got up to see him off)

Yakub – Hey habibat… Can we talk for a while before I leave?

Khadijah – Yeah sure…

Yakub – first, I want to say thanks for accepting my proposal. Words can’t express how I feel right now. I want the best for you, I want us to live happily together. I want you to concentrate on us. That would help you heal.

Khadijah – Thanks for the advice

Yakub – You’re my habiba..  I bought some clothes for you and hijabs too.

Khadijah – Hey! let me see them please (she put on a smiling face)

Yakub – Here (he handed the poly bag to her)

Khadijah – (brought the gowns) wow! This is beautiful… And the hijabs too I love, how did you know my size and colours?

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 18

Yakub – I do pay attention and Amina told me somethings..

Khadijah – Awwwnnn… Thank you very much. Jazakallahu hayran.. I really appreciate this

Yakub – Don’t mention my habiba… There’s more from where that came from.

Khadijah – (she blushes)

Mummy Khadijah stares from the window, she felt happy for child seeing her blush again after a long time.

Khadijah returned home after Yakub left.

Mummy Khadijah – It’s good to see you smile again.

Amina – Yes ohh… We all care about your happiness and you deserve the best.

Khadijah – Thank you mom… Thank you Amina. (She hugged them both).


Before she slept that night, a lot of thought was going through her mind.

Khadijah in her mind (I really have waited for long time… Abdulrasaq is never coming back, focus on Yakub) she tries to convince herself and forget about the Young Scholar but then she saw Yusuf, Habib and Razzy coming happily from afar.

Khadijah – Why are you all smiling??

Yusuf – We are smiling because the light has come to shine on us again.

Khadijah – What light??

Habib – The light that glows in the heart of the people

Razzy – The light of Young Scholar..

Khadijah – I still don’t understand what you all are trying to say

Yusuf – It’s clear Khadijah. It’s clear! The Young Scholar is back.

Khadijah – Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo… It can’t be (she screamed and tears)

To be continued…


Written by Masud Umoru

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