Author’s POV
People think dreams aren’t real just because they aren’t made of matter, of particles. Dreams are real. But they are made of viewpoints, of images, of memories and of subconscious mind.

Amina – Sister Khadijah what’s the matter?… I heard you screaming

Khadijah – (she turned around and saw she was still on her bed) It’s a dream.. it’s just a dream. Please Amina what’s the time?

Amina – The time is 4:30am… You had a nightmare, What is it about? Tell me.

Khadijah – Never mind my dear.. I just need to observe fajr before subhi. (She got up to perform ablution)

Amina – Okay..  if you say so. But I hope you’re fine?

Khadijah – Yes my dear.. I’m fine. I hope you will join me to observe fajr?

Amina – Yes I will (she replied happily)
They both observed fajr and subhi, after which they started their normal morning routine (chores)

Throughout the day, Khadijah kept on illusinating and seeing The Young Scholar face everywhere she goes. When she went to the market she kept on following a man on white turban and Jalabia thinking it was Abdulrasaq but when he turned towards her direction she saw he was a different person entirely.

Khadijah – I’m so sorry… I thought you were someone else.

Stranger – okay… No problem. Salamualaikun

Khadijah – Wa alaikum salam. (She took a deep breath as he walked away) What’s wrong with me??

She heard people screaming “Young Scholar… Young Scholar.. Young Scholar. His name all in my heard.

 I can’t think straight anymore. (She closed her ears and walked away)


Later that evening Yakub came visiting…

Yakub – Asalamu Alaikum habiba (smiling lovely at her)

Khadijah – Wa alaikum salam sir… Good evening and welcome. (She put a smile on)

Yakub – How was your day? I hope it was pleasant?

See also  IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Episode 10]

Khadijah – Yes it was fine thank you sir. How was yours?.. I want to say thanks for last night.

Yakub – (smiled) You’re welcome… I want us to go out..

Khadijah – To where?… You know it’s late already..

Yakub – To some where lively… Like an eatery or a dinner date. What do you think?

Khadijah – I do not go out at night… And my parents know that.

Yakub – We are getting married… I’ve spoke to your dad and he permits it. So now I’m asking you my Habiba. Won’t you go out with me? Please, we won’t take long…

Khadijah – Okay… Fine. I just don’t know but I think maybe this will help me somehow.

Yakub – Thanks my darling…. I love you!.. (he looked directly to her eye balls and wait for her to reply)

Khadijah – Thank you (She smiled)… Stop staring at me sir.

Yakub – You’re my world, if only you know how I feel inside?.. You are so unique and I can’t wait to make you mine. (He quickly carried her while she looked away.)

Khadijah – Hey! Superman, drop me. Where are you taking me to?

Yakub – It’s okay Khadijah… I came with my car and it’s close by.

Khadijah – Really?… I didn’t know you have a car…

Yakub – That’s because you haven’t find time to know more about your husband?

Khadijah – I’m so sorry my mind hasn’t settled. But you won’t understand what I’m facing.

Yakub – Come on I’m not a baby (he opened the car door and dropped her on the sit carefully) you are going to tell me when we get to were we are going. (He pass round and entered his driver’s sit)

Khadijah – Okay sir… Where are we going?

See also  READ: In Love With My Step Complete Season 1

Yakub – We are going to somewhere we could talk. Just put on your sit belt. We are about to hit the road!

Khadijah – please easy ohh.. drive carefully.

They arrived at Yakub’s house… And he introduced Khadijah to his family. They all welcomed her well. They were pleased to see her.

Khadijah – Why did you bring me here?

Yakub – you need to know my family. And if I had told you this where we were coming you will probably disagree.

Khadijah – Yes I will disagree… Because I’m not ready.

Yakub – What??.. but you accepted the proposal already.

Khadijah – Yes I did. But you should have given me time.

Yakub – There’s no time Khadijah. I’m not getting any younger the same thing with you. Now is the time.

Khadijah – okay… Fine. I have to go back home now.

Yakub – This is your home Khadijah. Just like I said your dad permit you sleep here.

Khadijah – I don’t believe you… I’m going to call my dad right away. (She pick up her phone and dial her dad’s number)

Yakub – you’re free to confirm.. let me get you something to eat and then we will continue our discussion..

Khadijah – (holding her phone tightly to ears) Hello daddy… Asalamu Alaikum

Daddy Khadijah – wa alaikum salam… How are you doing?… I hope you’re being taken care of?

Khadijah – Yes dad. But did you tell Yakub not to bring me home tonight?..

Daddy Khadijah – Yes my dear. I need you to be familiar with him and his family.. you need to start picturing a future with him. Please my daughter to be in your best behaviour.

Khadijah – okay dad.. Thank you sir (she hanged up).

Yakub – Do you see now that I’m not lying?

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 8

Khadijah – stop praising yourself sir (she tries to joke with him) look at your long nose..

Yakub – hmm… Someone is looking for my trouble… (He handed a glass of orange juice to her)

Khadijah – is this not too cold?..

Yakub – Not at all.. just take a sip, you’ll like it.

Khadijah  – (Sipped the drink) Thank you very much for everything sir… I really appreciate!

Yakub – (shift closer to her, holding her close to her ribs as she sat) I love you Khadijah… And I need to feel my love in soul.. I need you to feel!!… (He kissed her slowly)

Mummy Yakub came to interrupt the process as she made a sign.. The both stopped and space up.

Mummy Yakub – hmm hmm hmm… My daughter in law. You’re welcome.

Khadijah – Thank you ma…

Mummy Yakub – come let me show you to your room. (She helped her up and took her to the room prepared for her)

Now she face a new reality of life.. she see things are a lot more complicated now. She can’t disappoint her family and Yakub’s family. Maybe this is my fate after all, The Young Scholar isn’t coming back. She said to herself.


20 Hours earlier…

Abdulrasaq – Khadijah… Khadijah… (He called her name as she was chasing the man on white Jalabia) Where’s she going?… he asked himself.

Is that not the Young Scholar? A lady in the crowd asked… Yes he’s the one another one replied. The Muslims amongst those in crowd rushed down to embrace him..

We’ve missed you so much…

To be continued…

Written by Masud Umoru


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