The Life Of A Pious Woman Episode 5


1692476175 The Life Of A Pious Woman Episode 5

Continuation from the previous episode…

Faridah – What ?? Don’t tell me you forget the name of the guy that broke your heart.

Halimat – No I didn’t forget… How can I forget the name “Mike”. I can never forget it in a hurry. The thing is, he has this friend named Chika.

Naziat – Ohhh… Now I see the complications here!… Enough of these assumptions. Someday you’ll get to see these Chika of a guy and I can tell he won’t be the same person.

Maryam – Yes, Nazi is right!. This guy is nicer from the look of things and that Mike’s friend ‘chika’ would be a devil like Mike.

Halimat – It’s okay!… Enough of the Chika story. I’m hungry. None of you brought food?

Faridah – Haba… What’s the time that you are already feeling hungry (she gave a funny facial expression)

Naziat – Ohh… Let me go and get you something. Tell me what will you like to eat?

Maryam – Me I’m also hungry ohh.  Please Nazi get something for me too…

Faridah – (stares at Maryam) go an sit down.

Maryam – Me bah (she push her head gently)

Naziat – Okay girls, let me quickly get something for you guys (she walked outside to get something. On her way she met the doctor with some patients)

Doctor – (checking a patient who was an old woman) She’s gone .. (he faced the boy who was standing with the nurse) What did you say to her? (He questioned the boy)

Nurse – (cried silently)

See also  A Letter To The World

Naziat – (feels sober but console the nurse. She tries to understand what was going on)

The boy – She told me “Some women wants me dead”.

Naziat – (scared hearing that) (she kept wondering who the young boy his)

Doctor – Her last words were La illaha ilallaha… You asked her to say that?

The boy – No, she said it sincerely so she would find peace in her grave.

Naziat – (surprised) (she knew this town wasn’t a Muslim town but then, where did this boy come from? She asked herself).

Doctor – This is really strange… (he stares at Naziat as he noticed her dressing) But she wasn’t a Muslim (he asked the boy)

The boy – She’s a seer and she definitely knows why she finds it a favour.

Doctor – Hmmm (he sighed)

Nurse – (Had to clean up her tears and left to inform the woman’s family of her departure)  

Naziat – (left to get the stuff she intends to buy)

30 minutes later…

Naziat – (entered the room and met Halimat and Maryam sleeping)

Maryam – (woke up as the hears the door sound) (she tries to open her eyes well to see who it was)

Naziat – (looked around) I’m sorry I wasted time. Where is Faridah? (She asked Maryam)

Maryam – She said she was going outside to use the restroom.

Naziat – Okay… Please wake Halimat up let her eat (she arranged the food properly)

Maryam – What took you so long?

Naziat – Nothing… I was a bit distracted by something.


Faridah – (entered the room) Nazi… I went to look for you outside. Which place did you go to? Because I came outside few seconds after you left and it was like you disappeared.

Maryam – (Tapped Halimat gently)

Halimat – (woke up and felt irritated by their noise) You guys are making noise… (She adjusted her bandage)

Naziat – we are sorry.. (she apologized and then gave her the food she bought) (she responded to Faridah) I followed the normal exit/entrance door. I didn’t know you were following me

Faridah – yes I was and then after running outside to meet you up I had to come back to ease myself.

Naziat – I guess you didn’t see me because I was doing amebo..

Maryam – Amebo?? (Her ears stands up as she ignores the food and pay more attention)

Halimat – What’s it all about?

Faridah – I think I know

Naziat – Let’s eat jor and talk later..

Maryam – No no no… Just say it!.. I’m already anticipating.

Naziat – me I’m not saying anything until I’m done eating (she took her spoon and stirs the rice and stew together and started eating).

Maryam – (frowned her face)

Halimat – (already eating) This food is really tasty. Wowww! (She was enjoying it).. how come none of us knows how to cook..

Maryam – Me I know how to cook… (She sat down and carried her own food) let me even taste it and know if it’s really delicious as you said.

Naziat – Alhamdulilah… Now everyone is eating.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 15

Faridah – (sat close to Naziat)… I know the Amebo you are talking about… Is it not the old woman that died after saying La illaha ilallaha?

Naziat – How did you know?

Maryam & Halimat – What’s special about that? Or is it because here isn’t a Muslim state?

Naziat – No it’s because she isn’t a Muslim

Maryam – Now that sounds intriguing!…

Halimat – A Christian woman saying La illaha ilallaha? Nazi, was it you that taught her how to say it?

Naziat – No…

Maryam – Then who?

Faridah – It was the young boy who preached in the mosque last Friday when Mallam Ahmed wasn’t around.

Halimat – Wow

Naziat – (suprised how Faridah knew so much) How did you know it was the boy that preached on Jumat?

Faridah – because I saw him that day and I also saw him today when the nurse was narrating the story.

Maryam – Wow!.. What’s his name?

Faridah – His name is Abdulrasaq. And people calls him the young scholar.

_To be continued…_

*Written by Masud Umoru*

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