Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 6


1682923682 Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 6

Sofiat’s POV
While practicing and aiming at a target, I was trained to chase/hunt my prey to an extent were their fear lead them to an enclosed path then I shot (boom!) And it’s brought down.

December 15th, 2016

Aunt Hajarat – Here take these pod and place in your ears. With that, I’ll be able to communicate with you and get you pass those tight security.

Sofiat – Okay ma… (She placed the pod in her ears) wow.. it’s so small.

Aunt Hajarat – Yeah… No one can easily see it. You need to be careful out there.

Sofiat – (Smiled) I’ve been trained for this and by God’s mercy I won’t fail.

Aunt Hajarat – (she gave her a kiss on her forehead)… My baby sofiat, go let me proud.

Sofiat – (Rode off in a power bike wearing her dark suite)

Aunt Hajarat – (Carefully watch the screen to follow up with her niece location and also monitor the movement of the guards in the warehouse)

Metropolitan – Iwo road (Ibadan, Oyo)

Sofiat’s POV
I arrived at the remote area at exactly 11:55pm. I parked my ride on a secured location and I was set to get in the building. I observed the whole area and I found a quick spot at the roof of the building, my aunt helped with the remaining tutor.

Aunt Hajarat – They are about 22 guards in the building, 24 rooms only two rooms are empty.

Sofiat – (on top of the chimney) this sucks!..

Aunt Hajarat – That’s what it takes to be an Hero

See also  IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Episode 4]

Sofiat – Well… I’ll need you to time me.

Aunt Hajarat – Very well your time starts now.

Sofiat – (creeped through the thinny path and found her way in the building)

Aunt Hajarat – Soffie… Wait for like 30 seconds before you come out, there’s a guard near by.

Sofiat – The place is stuffy I can’t last 10 seconds (she rushed out and take the gaurd down)

Aunt Hajarat – Wow that was fast… Did you kill him?

Sofiat – No I didn’t. I just knock him out (peep through the doors) ohh boy…

Aunt Hajarat – nine guards are heading your way..

Sofiat – Oops!.. I saw them. It’s time to get busy. I’ll be off while fixing them. (She quickly knock the first one out as he stepped in)

Guards 3 – Sound the alarm… There’s an intruder in the building.

Sofiat – Ohhh shit!.. I’m going to do this the hard way… (She threw tear gas and then quickly covered her nose and escaped leaving all nine guards locked up in the room).

Guards – (coughing and then fell unconscious)

Sofiat – That was easy!

Aunt Hajarat – Yes that was… But I think you gat company. More men has been into the building and our main target is amongst them.

Sofiat – wow that makes it more easier. (She opened the door by her left) Woohoo… They’re here

Aunt Hajarat – Who’s there?

Sofiat – Some of the adopts, about 10 of them tied down. They look molested and starved. (She untied them and found out two was dead) Noo! (She teared)

See also  IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Episode 2]

Aunt Hajarat – what’s wrong?

Sofiat – I found two dead.. (they thanked her for coming to their rescue) (she entered the remaining rooms and rescue the others) (each room she entered, she found 2 – 3 dead bodies and this made her so upset remembering how her family was murdered)

Aunt Hajarat – soffie are you okay?…

Sofiat – Yes I’m fine… Aunt, In the next 5 minutes please send the emergency alert to 911. I’m going to make this a “mass murder”.

To be continued…

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