BREAKING NEWS: The former spokesman for opposition Labour Party presidential campaign council Kenneth Okonkwo has left Labour Party

Kenneth Okonkwo

Kenneth Okonkwo, former spokesperson for the Labour Party’s presidential campaign council, has officially broken ties with the party. The news has shaken the political landscape, as Okonkwo’s defection represents a blow to the Labour Party’s efforts to mount a viable challenge in the upcoming presidential elections.

Kenneth Okonkwo has been quoted as declaring that the election in 2027 is already lost for Labour Party, attributing this grim prediction to what he perceives as Peter Obi’s limited ability to compete with the established players in the political arena.
He states that the Labour Party candidate is “too cold” and lacks the cunning or ruthless approach that is often necessary to succeed in Nigerian politics. This statement implies that Okonkwo believes that Obi’s unwillingness or inability to employ “dirty tricks” in the election campaign will ultimately result in a defeat for the Labour Party in 2027.

Alongside his departure, Kenneth Okonkwo has expressed his reasons for leaving the Labour Party in a letter, which was subsequently released to the public. The letter serves as a written testimony to Okonkwo’s grievances and provides further context for his decision to leave the party.
With the letter’s attachment to the news story, the public can now delve deeper into the situation and form their own opinions on the matter. While the departure of a prominent spokesperson may reflect poorly on the Labour Party, it’s important to note that the letter also presents an opportunity for the party to address any internal issues or concerns.

GTj2e7qWEAEdTvs BREAKING NEWS: The former spokesman for opposition Labour Party presidential campaign council Kenneth Okonkwo has left Labour Party

To my countrymen with love,
I write to update you on my political jourmey so far as follows:

  1. I am committed, irreversibly, to a great Nigeria built on equity,. justice, and fairness, where every citizen will be free and able to aspire to any position or level in life without regard to primordial sentiments built around ethnicity, religion, sex, or circumstances of birth.
  2. It’s obvious that the APCor PDP, as presently constituted, do not have what it takes to lead us toa great Nigeria. Indeed their combined leadership is trying to cripple Nigeria as this
    blessed country is now down economically,. politically, and in every other index, leaving the
    people with no other option than to protest for their survival. They can see no hope for the
  3. Unfortunately, by our Constitution, we need a solid political party with solid grassroot
    base to be able to wrestle power from these kakistocrats and kleptocrats. We, therefore, need a decisive leader who will be able to build such a party of integrity and character from the
    grassroots because eventually, majority of the people that will populate a government will
    eventually proceed from the political party of the leader. A party is like a political tree that
    produces the fruit of the leadership cadre in government. A corrupt tree will never birth good
    fruits no matter the integrity and good intentions of the leader. Nigeria problems today come from lack of internal democracy in the parties which become a breeding ground for the
    production of incompetent and corrupt leaders in government.
  4. We also need a decisive leader who will be selfless enough, in boldness and bravery, to
    secure our victory, when the people vote for such leader, because these corrupt and incompetent leaders are not willing to conduct free and fair elections and will always grab,
    snatch power from any weak and indecisive leader, and run away with it. Our judiciary has
    not proved to be equal to the task in preventing the emergence of electoral bandits who steal
    electoral victories at gunpoint in the public glare of everyone.
  5. I am enestly searching for such a leader who has the integrity and also the commensurate charisma and bravery to mobilise the people to sustain the victory, in the event that Nigeria votes for such a person. The time for calm down is over.
  6. I recall how we suffered and risked all to liberate Nigeria from the shackles of these
    kakistocrats and kleptocrats in 2023 only for the victory to be stolen. It is obvious that the
    judiciary will not give us democracy because of abuse of the judicial process. The people must take their destiny in their hands. They must be willing to vote the right person as the President and must be willing to fight to ensure that the person is sworn in as President.”
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With Okonkwo’s departure, many questions arise regarding the future of the party’s campaign and the potential impact on voter sentiments.

ajax-loader-2x BREAKING NEWS: The former spokesman for opposition Labour Party presidential campaign council Kenneth Okonkwo has left Labour Party

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