The Life Of A Pious Woman Episode 7

_A Story Written by Masud Umoru_

Author’s POV
In life, we come across different temptation that may bring us closer to a great danger/disaster.
Helen Keller quotes: Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.

At the lodge…

Sandra – If you do this for me, trust me I will convert to a Muslim

Naziat – Do you know the weigh of the words you alter?… Perhaps I don’t want you to become a Muslim because of what a person did for you and you’re just in the religion because you only want to fulfill your promise. It’s not right to say that Sandra. If you really want to become a Muslim then you have to love it.

Sandra – Nazi… I made you this promise because you are noble. Your character is so unique and I know that is Islam and that I’m in love with. But I really want you to come with me because I really prefer your company more than any other person’s.

Naziat – It’s okay. insha’Allah… I will go with you, but I have to relate this to my friend.

Sandra – Please don’t let them change your mind.

Naziat – (smiled)… You have my word.

Sandra – Thank you very much.

(Naziat left back to the room to meet her friends)


Naziat’s POV
Later that evening after we had observed all our daily prayers completely, I told my friends about Sandra discussion with me. They all sensed there was a danger ahead and believed she had a plan. Faridah on the other hand mentioned; that if anything happened to me that they will definitely hold Sandra responsible. And with their words fear grew in me and I had the strangest feelings late that same night an became so uncomfortable to sleep.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 9

Halimat – (woke up at midnight as she heard sounds and a voice reciting in a very low tune) (she grab her torchlight and point at a spot) Ohhh! Nazi. You’re not sleeping?

Naziat – (still reciting and wanting to complete the ayah)

Maryam & Faridah – (woke up as the reflection of the light caught their sight)

Naziat – No I’m not

Maryam – SUBHANALLAH! (shocked) (she got up from her bed and asked) It’s morning already?

Halimat – No my dear. It’s still 2:32am almost midnight

Maryam – Ohhh… Why is everyone awake and Naziat praying?

Faridah – (still yawning and trying to regain herself)

Halimat – You should be asking Nazi that question directly. I got up and found her on the mat and she hasn’t told why she isn’t sleeping yet

Naziat – My dear sisters.. Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakallahu.

(They respond to her teslim and replied back)

Naziat – I was having troubles sleeping. I was kinda scared of the whole Sandra stuff right now but right now I’m fine. I feel much better communicating with Allah.

Maryam – Masha Allah!..

Faridah – You are not so much different from the young boy we met at the hospital. And I heard of this other girl who has been trying to follow the same path as he.

Naziat – You mean Khadijat?

Faridah – Yes… You know her?

Naziat – Not yet but very soon. insha’Allah

Halimat – May Allah assist us all. Baby girl you should get some rest now. It’s just few hours to fajr and I know Allah will surely guide you.

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 20

 Naziat – Okay my lovely sister’s.. (she smiled happily and stood up from the mat)

(Halimat turned off the lights and they all went back to bed)


At Mr Musa Babalola Mansion
(Apelle community central)

Author’s POV
The popular politician Musa Babalola was congratulated by his supporters on his grand opening ceremony of his house at the centre community of Apelle. Musa Babalola gives his vote of thanks to the people of Apelle for their warm welcome and thereafter he promised to share millions of money for the people that attend before the end of the event.

(Naziat and Sandra arrived at the grand opening ceremony at exactly 9:43pm)

Sandra – Wowww! (Looking at the luxuries and Mansion size) This man has money.

Naziat – (cautioned herself as she desires not more than what Allah has given to her) (she lowered her gaze and take a deep breath) Indeed the things of this worldly life are deceptive

Sandra – you are right with the words. Let’s go in (she held Naziat and walked together with her)

(Upon entering the mansion, Musa Babalola was lost in infatuation as a result of Naziat’s beauty)

Musa Babalola – (turned a glass full of wine and kept on pouring. His eyes was fixed on Naziat and didn’t noticed Sandra at all)

Draco (Musa Babalola guard) – My lord!.. (he calls his attention)

Musa Babalola – (saw he had wet the ground) Laughed!.. Amazing.

Sandra – Good evening sir…

Musa Babalola – (smiled as he saw Naziat was with Sandra) Good evening my dear.  How are you? And who is this beautiful woman with you (he gazed at her in an alluring manner)


Naziat – Good evening sir (turned sideways after greeting)

Sandra – (responded to Mr Musa Babalola question) She’s my friend, her name is Naziat.

Musa Babalola – Naziat… Wow!.. She looks exactly like her name. (He made eye contact with Draco) Draco take Naziat to a place comfortable while I talk with my friends daughter.

Draco – (Immediately he dragged Naziat)

Naziat – (Pull her hands away) don’t touch me!.. (she creates a scene)

Sandra – (confused as she doesn’t know what’s going on)

Musa Babalola – Easy there… Show her the way Draco don’t mess with her. (He quickly seize his smiling face)

Naziat – (minds tells her things isn’t right) (Sandra and I shouldn’t have been separated she said to herself as Draco escort her to a lonely path)

Draco – (forcefully cover her nose from behind with an handkerchief after he opened the doors for her to enter)

Naziat – (fainted )

Draco – (carried her and dropped her off the bed) (He rushed out of the room and lock the doors)

_To be continued…_

*Written by Masud Umoru*

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My name is Masud Umoru, a passionate blogger and the driving force behind Brucasblog. I am deeply committed to researching the most sought-after topics on the web and transforming them into engaging, informative, and easy-to-read content. With a strong dedication to helping our readers stay updated and well-informed, I ensure that Brucasblog provides the best reading experience for our visitors.

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