Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 14


Rasheed’s POV
About 32 hours ago, I arrived at Oyo, Ibadan. It was a very beautiful city and it was my first time of traveling to another town. After being offered a job, I was hoping I’d get a place for myself and live a comfortable life in my dream town but everything changed the moment I picked the first call.

Telephone man – Hello, is this Mr Rasheed Khan?

Rasheed – Yes sir… How can I help you?

Telephone man – Your job approval letter had been withdrawn. We apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused you.

Rasheed – (dumbfounded) I’m sorry sir, but please why?

Telephone – (he hangs up)

Rasheed – oh damn it!… What’s going on? (He dialed his dad’s line)

Malik Khan – Hello!..

Rasheed – Hello dad.. I just lost the job again.

Malik Khan – Authu billahi… How come??

Rasheed – I don’t know… Me that I’ve been fasting and praying for everything to go well. (He felt sad)

Malik Khan – It’s okay my son… Allah knows best. All will be fine soon don’t worry. There’s still hope.. I’ll call Hajarat and send her your number so she can reach you. Maybe she would be able to help.

Rasheed – Okay… Thanks dad (he hangs up)

Rasheed’s POV
Life hasn’t been so easy with me… So many trials coming my way to unlock the darkness in me, I kept holding on and remained stead fast but being alone and having no one to talk to all day, my heart grew darker and sullen. I couldn’t cope with the thought of people looking down on me always and then at the club the same night I met the dark knight assassin, I became fierce and ready to counter.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 22

Rasheed – Hello, who is on the line?

Aunt Hajarat – It’s me Hajarat. Your dad told me you’re in town.

Rasheed – Ohh thank goodness. Good day ma…

Aunt Hajarat – Good day… I hope you’re fine? Where did you put up?

Rasheed – I’m at maximum guest house lodge.

Aunt Hajarat – SUBHANALLAH… That’s exactly the place I needed you to be (she confirmed his location as she track the call ID)

Rasheed – Really? (Sound confused) Why?

Aunt Hajarat – Soffie is in trouble… She turned off her comms, you need to help her.

Rasheed – How?.. where’s she? (He became nervous)

Aunt Hajarat – There’s a lot of things you won’t understand now.. just help me get her out of that place.

Rasheed – Okay I’ll… Don’t worry I’ll take care of her.

Aunt Hajarat – There’s one room you both can escape through… I need you to be there in the next 3 minutes.

Rasheed – Okay sure… (He hangs up) (He locate the room and then he entered the room and waited for Sofiat’s arrival)

After a while…

Sofiat – (Opened the door carefully without a sound and also shut it as fast as she could)

Rasheed – Soffie Soffie… It’s good to see you!

Sofiat – Who are you? (She took a step closer to see the face of the person)

Rasheed – (remained in the dark path) don’t step any closer (He raised his gun and point it towards her heart (chest rejoin))

Sofiat – How did you know my name? (She became inquisitive)

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 20

Rasheed – Ain’t telling you anything… Because, there’s no point saying it. You’re gonna die in my hands.

Sofiat – Okay then.. Shoot me!

Aunt –  (spoke to soffie through the comms) That’s Rasheed sofiat, you guys should cut the crab, there’s no time.

Rasheed – Woohoo! Easy… Na you know, Heroes die. So don’t play Hero.

Sofiat – Ohhh, big head!.. let’s get out of here. (She teases him)

Rasheed – (came out from the dark) I heard they call you the dark knight assassin.. That’s a good name.

Sofiat – And you call yourself ‘D Boss’ now?

Rasheed – Yeah… it’s a random name, just so you to know I’ll always be your superior.

Sofiat – Smiled (approached the slides and tried to open it but she couldn’t)..

Rasheed – you can’t open it, I’ve tried. We need a new plan to get out from here. (He searched the room)

Sofiat – Aunt are you there?… (She speaks through her comms)

Aunt Hajarat – I think you guys are too late… Draco and Adams are just few steps away from the door.

Rasheed – (opened the wardrobe an found a lady’s dead body) Soffie I think you need to swap clothes

Sofiat – Ohhh Shit! (She said as saw the dead body) Okay.. great plan! (She quickly changed her dress and wore it on the corpse and then hid in the wardrobe)

(Footsteps of Draco and Adams…)

Adams – (trying to open the door when he heard the gun shot, he quickly adjusted and waited)

See also  The Life Of A Pious Woman Episode 11

Rasheed – (shoot at the dead corpse multiple times)

Rasheed’s POV
From that moment, My heart completely darkened. I soaked my hands with a darker blood and so the person I once were was gone for.

To be continued…

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