My little rose garden

10784c756a17cb82731cca8aec0af41b My little rose garden
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I’ve been away for so long, finally I’ve been given another chance to sit quietly and alone in my little rose garden. I can hear the ticking sound of my wrist watch, counting into the future when suddenly the earth changed it’s colours. The thunder roll and lightning strike. My heart skipped for a moment when a drop of water roll down from my eyes. I felt cold when it finally touch the roses carry a sound of memory with it. Soon I started to wonder back in time, I remembered clearly how beautiful the world used to be with each and every of my loved ones with me. My parents and my siblings used to sit around me in circles, dad always tells us stories in moon light and gives us advise about life when the moon is gone. Mom was my only friend, I was four (4) at that time, when she gave me her love, wisdom, hope and inspiration. She gave me her heart and most of all she gave me her life so I can live. At this moment tears was the only thing I can see. My eyes began to swell. The roses in my garden are what mom and dad use to give me at that time before the earth shakes and ground opened and dragged my family with it. Mom died trying to make sure I survived. Now, I’m alone sitting in my little garden of roses.

My name is Henry last trap and I am 8years old sitting alone in my family grave yard. I have nowhere to go and so I became a prisoner… It is well…

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 4

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Written by Momoh Danjumah aka Henry last trap

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