The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 9


1678980552 The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 9

Two years later…

The Young Scholar has set up a big Islamic institution in the town of Apelle. This man is never gonna stop making plans on how to multiply the numbers of Muslims in the town.
Unknown to anyone, he is the true owner of Al – Mafaz Quranic school. Abdulrasaq taught in this school as a mathematics and an Islamic religious studies teacher. He also owns a small madrasat which everyone sees to be his only means of sustenance.

After madrasat on a Sunday evening, Abdulrasaq was escorted home by one of his student.

Abdulrasaq – Things are getting really difficult in the life day by day and the city of Apelle is being carried away by the love of fame. Do not be among this set of people oh young star.

Ismail – Okay sir… Insha Allah I will always do my best to walk on the straight path.

Abdulrasaq – Insha Allah!.. (He continued his speech) You’re just like me Ismail, maybe even better for you’ve acquired a lot more knowledge than me for your age. Be cautious! Guide this thing you have for knowledge corrupts the heart if not handled with care. (He greeted him) Jazakallahu hayran for helping me my son.

Ismail – Inshallah… May Allah guide us always on the straight path (he helped Abdulrasaq dropped his bag and then left saying Bisalam after replying “wa antum fa Jaza kallahu hayran”)

Abdulrasaq starts seeing the need of finding a wife after working so hard. He wished he had raised a son like Ismail. He raised his hands facing the sky and prayed: “Oh Allah grant me a spouse, one who is dutiful to you and humble”(Ameen).

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 22

He picked up his bags after opening his doors and then made preparations on what to eat for dinner.

Meanwhile Amina paid her sister a visit who happens to tell her a secret.

Amina – Asalamualaikum mummy Maryam (greeting her sister Khadijah)

Khadijah – Wa alaikum salam… Maryam had been crying waiting for her aunt to come pamper her. (She tease Amina as she handed Maryam to her)

Amina – (carried Maryam and started playing with her) (baby Maryam – wore a beautiful smile as she recognised her aunt’s voice) look at her… She already knows how I play with her.

Khadijah – I’m telling you,, that girl is very smart (baby Maryam) my computer baby.

Amina – She’s just like her mother

Khadijah – (wore a smile) she’s also just like her father.

Amina – that reminds me, where is her father?…

Khadijah – He left to work. And he would probably come back in the evening.

Amina – Okay…

Khadijah – give me a minute… Let me check what I put on the fire (she was preparing something, so she excused Amina)

Amina – Okay ma. (She continues with her game with baby Maryam)

Khadijah – (brought some snacks and malt for her sister) here, this is for you my dear.. enjoy yourself and calm your nerves.

Amina – Ahhh… You shouldn’t have bothered yourself. Everytime I come you always entertain me, you know I’m not a guest.

Khadijah – of course you’re my guest… Abdulrasaq once told me “Guest are our responsibility most especially when they visit after a long period”. It’s been a year since you last came here, so I have to honour you.

See also  The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Part 1)

Amina – Thank you big sist…. So have you heard from Abdulrasaq since then?

Khadijah – I haven’t heard from him, he didn’t even come for Maryam’s sunnah.

Amina – Hmm that’s serious… I do see him

Khadijah – I do see him too but we don’t get to talk. I’m always with my husband and he doesn’t like him.

Amina – I think that’s the reason he didn’t come for Maryam’s sunnah.

Khadijah – yes (she brought out an envelop)… This is the letter Abdulrasaq wrote to me while he was away. After he told me he sent me a letter, I went to confirm and I found out it was true. The post office stop disposal of letters. So that’s why I didn’t received it. (She handed the letter over to Amina)

Amina – (read through the three letters) WHATTT??? (She was so shock after reading the last one.  These letters are so deep, The Young Scholar was set to get married to you when he returned??  (This is the reason he said “he is here to stay”)

Khadijah – I never knew he was… I didn’t read the letter until after my Nikkah. (She felt sad once again) Allah had better plans for me.

Amina – ohhh, this is really sad… And still he hasn’t find someone

Khadijah – Yeah!… That’s why I need you to take my place in his heart.

Amina – What do you mean?

Khadijah – I need you to Focus on Abdulrasaq… Take care of him and make him fall in love with you..

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 13

Amina – WHATTT???… That’s impossible!.

Khadijah – nothing is impossible… Abdulrasaq is a human and not a god. He has once fall in love, he will again.

Amina – Mummy Maryam, I’m not sure you are weighing this words you are spilling ohh… Abdulrasaq… The young Scholar!

Khadijah – I know exactly what I’m saying… You are ready to married and you have no spouse yet, he he’s also ready so go to him and be yourself. He will choose you.

Amina – are you sure mom and dad would be in support of this?

Khadijah – Since I’m fine with it, they will be in support of it.

Amina – Okay… I will think about it and let you know what I desire.

Khadijah – That would be nice… Everything is going to be fine.

Later at mid night…

Abdulrasaq reciting the Qur’an heard series of gun shot… He pulsed for a while to listen, then he heard sounds… Police where all out surrounding the compound…

Inspector Segun – (using a megaphone) Come out everyone we seek for the permission to search every premises around here for there’s a dangerous criminal undercover.

The whole place went silent…. The Neighborhood felt so frightened that they almost wet their pants wondering “WHO COULD IT BE”

To be continued…..

Written by Masud Umoru


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