The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 4

1678876704 The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 4

Author’s POV
“Life is no different than the weather. Not only is it unpredictable, but it shows us a new perspective of the world every day.” ― Suzy Kassem

Abdulrasaq – Why is everyone silent?… Is Khadijah sleeping?.

Mummy Khadijah – Yes, she was feeling so weak after doing so much work today. So I asked her to take some pain relief and have some rest.

Amina – (silently did “hmm” as she heard her mom formulating words)

Abdulrasaq – Hope she’s fine?… I saw her earlier today in the market.

Mummy Khadijah – (surprised)  And she didn’t tell us she saw you…

Abdulrasaq – She didn’t see me… I tried to walk-up to her but she was in an haste.

Amina – When she returned from the market, I think she told me she saw some and that looks like you from behind.

Daddy Khadijah came down from their corridor… Meanwhile Yusuf, Habib and Razzy was discussing within themselves.

Daddy Khadijah – Abdulrasaq is really nice to see you… Amina go and bring the stoll for our Mallams to sit. Must I tell before you know the right thing to do (he scold aminat) (aminat replied her dad okay sir and then she carried benches for the Young Scholar and his friends to sit)… And then he called his sons) Samad and Faruk come and greet your Mallam and then return to bed.

Faruk and Samad – Okay sir (they both came out and salam the Young Scholar and hugged him tightly. (They returned back inside)

Abdulrasaq – Thank you very much Sir and Thank you Ma… (Abdulrasaq and his friends sat down)

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Mummy Khadijah – Where have you been all these years?.. we thought you won’t spend more than a month before returning to Apelle.

Abdulrasaq – I intend to return as soon as possible but when I got admission into Kene Polytechnic, I had to stay back and after my HND I did a direct entry to Kene University and after that I did my master’s thesis and PhD. So I acquired all the necessary degrees before returning back here.

Amina – Subhanallah! Wowwwww!…. That’s awesome.

Mummy Khadijah – Allahuakbar!!… You are really a Scholar in every upshot.

Daddy Khadijah – This is really nice to hear.

Abdulrasaq – Thank you very much… (He turned to Yusuf & Habib and whispered something to them) I think Yusuf and Habib has something to tell you both (Refering to Daddy Khadijah and Mummy Khadijah)

Daddy Khadijah – Okay.. Mallam Yusuf and Mallam Habib, we are sorry we focused on Abdulrasaq alone. You know he’s our long term guest.

Yusuf – Asalamu Alaikum Sir… Habib and I do understand.

Daddy Khadijah and Mummy Khadijah – Wa alaikum salam… So tell us

Yusuf – The matter we wish to inform you about is a thing of joy. We intend to inform you guys tomorrow morning but since we are here now, we just have to do the needful.

Daddy Khadijah – Okay… What is it?

Yusuf – My Nikkah ceremony is going to take place on 13th of March…

Habib – Mine is on the 19th of March

Daddy Khadijah – Congratulations to you both… This is really a good news

Mummy Khadijah – (she calculate the date) 13th that’s next week Friday.. Congratulations my sons. (She embraced them both)


Abdulrasaq – (Got up) Thank you very much my Neighbors (he smiled as he remember how they were in the past)

(He’s friends got up too as they all prepare to leave)

Yusuf – We will like to take our leave.. Our greetings to Khadijah. Tell her about the good news. Masalam!

Mummy Khadijah and Daddy Khadijah – she will hear.. Bisalam (They went back into their home and locked the doors)

Abdulrasaq and his friends returned to their various home…


The next morning…

Khadijah – (saw Aminat’s miss call) let me pray first before I call back. (She spoke to herself)

After she finished praying, she took her bath and prepare to leave. Yakub entered her room and held her from behind.

Khadijah – Authubillahi.. what’s wrong with you sir (questioned him politely)

Yakub – Don’t I have that right over my fiance?

Khadijah – Islamically you don’t… Please take me home I’m no longer comfortable.

Yakub – (gave her a car key) can you drive?…

Khadijah – Yes of course.. I learnt how to drive on my six months IT.

Yakub – Okay.. take the keys.. when you get down, you’ll see the Toyota Highlander outside it’s yours. Say hi to your parents for me… (He walked away)

Khadijah – you must be kidding.. (she kept on blushing until she got down and saw he meant what he said) it’s a new car.. (she was so excited that she tears) Yakub why the gift? (She starts to think) (maybe Allah decided to bless me this way for waiting for so long.. Alhamdulilah I’m so so happy)

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She greets Mummy Yakub and the rest of his family and then she drove off. While she was driving, she remembered she saw her sister’s miss calls.

Khadijah – Ohhh.. I didn’t even remember to call again… Well I’ll soon get home. I know they’ll be very happy to see me (she spoke to herself)…

Immediately she got home she raised an alarm. Her mum and siblings came out and joined her jubilating..

Mummy Khadijah – (praying for her son-in-law to be) ohhh.. Alhamdulilah. Your dad needs to see this.

Amina – Wowwwww this car is very expensive it’s about 12million Naira… Yakub has a lot of money ooh. Shey I told you sister.

Khadijah – Thanks my darling.. thanks mum. I’m so happy. For a very long time I haven’t felt this way.

Mummy Khadijah – I’m so happy for you… I told you you’ll find love again.

Khadijah – That reminds me..  Aminat why were you calling me last night?..

Amina – I Wanted to tell you that The… (Mummy Khadijah shut her up before she could finish her statement)

Mummy Khadijah – Shut up your mouth aproko..  you want to spoil this beautiful moment for us? If I hear you talk again you’ll see what I will do to you.

Khadijah was so confused on how her mother reacted, she was still curious to know why but she let go for that moment and continued jubilating…

To be Continued…

Written by Masud Umoru


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