Episode 8 – The Young Scholar


flyerdesign_04032023_182821 IN LOVE WITH MY STEP SEASON 3 EPISODE 8


 Dad – Hello… Asalamu alaikum

Malik Khan – Wa alaikum salam sir… There’s someone here who would love to see you

Dad – who could that be?…

Malik Khan – The Young Scholar (he handed the phone to Abdulrasaq)

Abdulrasaq – Asalamu Alaikum Sir… I came to say ‘Hi’ to an old friend.

Dad – Young Scholar (feeling emotional) It’s really a long time…


I have never seen my dad so excited… The Young Scholar must be a very great person and have great influence on him. When The Young Scholar and Malik Khan arrived that evening, we all forgot about the situation on ground and welcomed him “The Young Scholar” with a small party.

Abdulrasaq – This isn’t necessary you know that Alhaji Zubairu

Dad – You’re my guest remember… Come take a sit. (He offered them a sit) Let me introduce you to my family… Meet my wife (he held the hands of step mom as he speaks) over there is my senior daughter Zainab (Naomi), Farad my son and then my baby girl Maryam (Priscillia) (he point towards their direction as he made mention of their names)

Abdulrasaq – Lovely Family… It’s nice meeting you all. But you haven’t introduced the beautiful lady with your son Farad.

Dad – Of Course I didn’t forget that. That’s Zara my step daughter and Farad Fiance. As fate might have it, She’s Malik Khan biological daughter

Abdulrasaq – wow that’s really cool… Malik you didn’t tell me the good news

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 11

Malik Khan – You were with me for just a short while.. we couldn’t have such a lengthy conversation.

Abdulrasaq – I do understand… But let me get things straight… Zara is Aliyah’s daughter and her twin sister is Mr. Zubairu’s wife, right?

Malik Khan – Yes my Young Scholar.. you’ve always been so intelligent

Abdulrasaq – Thanks Malik… It’s just a simple observation. I do have a good news. Let just say one of the reason I came.

Dad – Please Tell us the good news

Abdulrasaq – I’m getting married in two days time and I’m inviting the whole family to my Nikkah at Abuja central mosque.

Dad – I’m happy for you Young Scholar.. Congratulations

We all told him congratulations and celebrate with him.. After we finished eating dinner, dad and the Young Scholar excuse us at the table. Malik Khan wanted to join them but Zara stopped him.

Zara – Dad, can we talk?

Malik Khan – Yes my daughter.. bring it on!

Zara – What connection do you have with Rasheed and Sofiat?

Malik Khan – (surprise) how did you know about Sofiat?

Zara – (spoke in rage) you haven’t answered my question yet.

Farad – Zara I think you need to calm down with the question. (Trying to hold her down)

Malik Khan – Let her be… It happens that I trained both of them to be tough and strong to protect themselves physically but I didn’t ask them to become what they choose to become.

Zara – Do you expect me to believe that?…

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 15

Malik Khan – I haven’t told you a lie about myself, I have only hid somethings from you because there’s always a time for everything. There’s a time to keep a secret and there’s also a time to reveal it.

Step mom – Your Dad is right Zara… Just like how long it took me to tell you about your mom.

Farad – Zara your dad has done nothing bad and you need to see him for who he truly his.

Zara – I’m sorry dad… When Faridah told me you the Assassin and Rasheed had a connection, I just felt sad and…

Malik Khan – Betrayed. I know how that feels. I felt the same way when Rasheed go rogue… He was once a Young Scholar but darkness grew in him and hatred was born where light was once created so he became uncontrollable.

Farad – What really happened to him?

Zara – Why did you spend time training him?Who is he to you?

Malik Khan – Rasheed is Your “Brother” Zara. HE WAS MY SON

We all screamed – WHATTT THE HECK!!!

To be Continued…

Written by Masud Umoru


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