The Young Scholar Episode 22


flyerdesign_17012023_152847 The Young Scholar Episode 22

 Author’s POV
Walk on the earth in humbleness and patience for everything in life will come and go. Life on its own is Time.  – Masud Umoru

May 20th, 2003
“Inspector Segun and the others return to the station with their patrol… Information reaching them that the last culprit Mr. Henry was apprehended at a near by station while he was trying to escape from Apelle”.

Detective Sam came to inform the Young Scholar about the good news….

Detective Sam – Lucky you… Your freedom has come. Mr Abdulrasaq, a young man who is concerned about his soul and struggling to survive. I really feel for you, for all you had to go through. The criminals have been apprehended and everyone knows you remain the innocent preacher of the town.

Abdulrasaq – Thanks for your compassion officer… It’s a good quality you got there.

Detective Sam – (smiles) you have more good quality than I have. (Trying to open the prison lock) The DPO sent for you and I’m please to inform you that all charges against you had been dropped.

Malik Khan woke up as he heard the sound of the gate as the detective tries to open the prison bar…

Malik Khan – My Young Scholar, you’re leaving me.

Abdulrasaq – Insha Allah (By God grace)… Our path will definitely cross again, so don’t worry my friend.

Malik Khan – Say hi to Khadijah for me…

Abdulrasaq – (smiles) okay I will .. before I go, I need you to know that the two most important things in this life are the words of Allah and his prophet Muhammed (s.a.w). So follow it with all your heart and do not become among the disobedient.


Malik Khan – Masha Allah… May Allah continue to spare our life my friend. I promise to take a new live. I cherish the advise you give and I will hold it firmly.

Abdulrasaq and Detective Sam head to the DPO office who wanted to see Abdulrasaq before he leaves.

DPO – Mr. Abdulrasaq, we’ve cleared all the charges against you after the thorough investigation carried out by Inspector Segun and his detectives. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience this might have caused you, we were only following the law. Since we’ve caught culprits and they’ve made confessions. You’re now a free man.

Abdulrasaq – Thank you sir… Can I go now?

DPO – Yes you can… Go to the Reception and they’ll attend to you. If you had something that was seized from you they’ll give it back after filling the form.

Abdulrasaq – Okay sir, (he walked out)

Getting to the reception, he saw Khadijah, Mummy Khadijah and some of the neighbors are already waiting for him…

Mummy Summaiyah – Alhamdulilah rabbil Alamein… Nothing Allah cannot do when you have all your believe in Him.

Mummy Khadijah – And we have definitely learnt a great lesson from you… The trials, the patients.. oh Allah Ar-Rahim

Daddy Habib – Those who have lost their faith in Allah thinking you’ve gone rogue, are now ashamed.

Abdulrasaq – Oh my people, do not see the preachers and scholars as people of perfections. They can be emulated but only the good things you record from them and do not make them the reason you serve Allah.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 10

Khadijah – (Hearing those admonition felt like the luckiest woman on earth) in her heart she fell in doubt. No… She replied herself, He’s not the reason I serve Allah.

Daddy Khadijah – You have spoken so well… You’ve made me believe that age doesn’t matter when it comes to wisdom. It’s good to have you return back to us.

They all returned home happily…


Having neighbors who care for eachother and reminds eachother about the words of Allah and exalts His name and glorify Him for everything is indeed a rare blessing.

The Young Scholar is indeed back home and free from trouble onces again. The news about the real culprit spread across the city and everyone is pleased to find out the Young Scholar is innocent and he earns his respect as always.
At home, the neighbors had a good time after Ishai. The women cook a delicious meal to welcome the Young Scholar. They all ate together while giving admonition.  Khadijah giving him the lovely smile as always, in her heart she felt peace once again.

To be Continued…

Written by Masud Umoru

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