The Young Scholar Episode 12

 Episode 12 – Repentance


flyerdesign_19012023_195726 The Young Scholar Episode 12


Author’s POV

When we make peace, we spread love. Those who once had a bad
plan against us might just Repent and turn a new leave. For as long as love
remains strong, hatred is reduced.


It’s a beautiful morning, a morning of peace.  Abdulrasaq got up asual to observe Tahajjud
and then left to the mosque to make the adhan for subhi. Every that morning
after he made the first call, Habib (Mummy Habib’s son) was the first person to
arrive at the mosque because he had something to tell abdulrasaq.


Habib – Assalamualaykum sir.

Abdulrasaq – wa alaykum salam. Brother Habib you got up so
early, Alhamdulilah for that

Habib – Sir I have something to tell you.

Abdulrasaq – Brother Habib you are far older than me, Why
are you referring to me as sir

Habib – Age doesn’t matter sometimes, we can be older in age
and still be Younger in the brain. You my brother have made me realise a lot
after last night

Abdulrasaq – You don’t need to feel I’m superior because of
the things I’m able to do by Allah’s will. No one is truly superior but
ignorance makes us different, it causes a limit in us.

Habib – you’re so wise and knowledgeable. I’m 25years old
and you’re just 18 and you’re upright, polite, humble, kind and every good
quality you got them. While me I’m the complete opposite. I’m a thief, a
disobedient child and very arrogant.

Abdulrasaq – (Abdulrasaq saw Habib was very emotional and
serious about all he was saying) Why do you call yourself those bad names?    What
do you really want to tell me?

See also  My girlie girlie

Habib – I hope you’ll find a place in your heart to forgive
me if I tell you what I did?

Abdulrasaq – Insha Allah… May Allah grant me the heart to
bear it. You can tell me and I will definitely forgive you because Allah loves

Habib – (okay) I was the one that stole your bags the day
you arrived and stole your money. I didn’t go allow, I went with two of my
friends (Abdulrasak and Yusuf) sorry not you but he bears same name with you.
(we call him Razzy)

Abdulrasaq – Okay… but you later returned it

Habib – I was surprised when I saw you rented the vacant
apartment at our place so in other for you not to see it with me, I had to drop
it at the front of your door at midnight the following morning.

Abdulrasaq – It’s fine, and I’ve forgiven you and your
friends. In fact am happy for you, you are one step becoming a great person. You
know you alone can make a difference in your Family. As the eldest child, you
can guide your siblings on a good path.

Habib – Do you think so?

Abdulrasaq – Yes I know so. A mistake that makes you humble
is better than an achievement that makes you arrogant. If your mom can also be
humble then things will be better for you all

Habib – How can we be humble?

Abdulrasaq – That’s simple. Simply believe in Allah and
follow his commandment. Indeed if you read the quran you will see that Allah
describe the successful people as the humbly submissive ones.

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 14

Habib – You really know so much… you’re really a scholar
as they say and I envy you in a good way.

Abdulrasaq – (Smiled) It’s a good thing to envy a good
character and good practice. There’s no obsession in worshipping your Lord.

Habib – Thank you for everything sir

Abdulrasaq – No more sir, call me ‘’Young Scholar’’ I’m
beginning to love the name.

Habib – (smiled) Okay my Young Scholar.

Abdulrasaq – Masha Allah. Let’s get ready! It time to make
the second call (Adhan).

Habib – Okay Young scholar (They both smiled).


Abdulrasaq made the second adhan. About 15minutes later,
they prayed subhi salat. He and Habib didn’t have any other conversation after
subhi because he had to narrate what happened to his friend’s (Imam Malik,
Mallam Ahmed, Mallam Jibril and Mallam Sani). He always tend to learn from the
way they act. They are his elder’s so they definite have more basic knowledge.

Imam Malik – Indeed Allah is with us. Do not wory Abdulrasaq
our Young Scholar

Abdulrasaq – That’s Suratul Taubah (Repentance) Quran 9 vs
40. And I think today is all about it.



The neighbours came to appreciate Abdulrasaq for his wise
decision after he returned from the masjid. He was getting prepared for work
when they knocked at his door.

Mummy Habib – Please Abdulrasaq I hope you have forgiven me
for everything

All the neighbours came out for her sake to beg on her
behalf. (Please forgive her they pleaded)

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 9

Abdulrasaq – Mummy Habib, some things are meant to happen to
change us. You all should know that the seed of light is darkness. And I
believe if you truly Repent Allah will place you higher.

The neighbours were inspired by the words of the Young
scholar and they were grateful to Allah he was in their midst. Little by little
Islam grew in the heart of the people. Khadijah couldn’t help herself falling
for this saint in their town. As every time he spoke a word, it was always


Later that evening…

Habib came with his two friends. Razzy and Yusuf to come and
apologize to Abdulrasaq.

Habib – These are my friends Rasak and Yusuf.

Razzy & Yusuf – we appologie for what we did to you bro.

Abdulrasaq – (Thinking of a good plan to drag them closer to
Allah) How will I know you guys are truly repenting?

Razzy & Yusuf – you can trust us.

Abdulrasaq – I only trust those who fear Allah. I have one
task for three of you.

All three at once – What could that be?

Abdulrasaq – Nothing more than we going forth to strive for
Allah, We all will be doing dawah every evening after asr…

Razzy & Yusf – What???


To be continued…



Written by Masud Umoru

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