The Flash Review – S7 Ep 2

 The Flash – Episode 2 (Season 7)

“The Speed of Thought”

ac050f342c5fef89175800951e618733 The Flash Review - S7 Ep 2
Barry and Iris

The Episode is titled “The Speed of Thought” it’s the second episode of the Flash season 7

Barry, Gifted with superspeed intelligence with no emotion almost turned him to a Villian.

“The Speed of Thought” is one of those instances. Gifting Barry with superspeed intelligence at the cost of the heart that’s always distinguished his particular hero’s journey is an intriguing twist and one that reaffirms all the reasons we love this show in the first place. Team Flash is better together. (Welcome back, Cisco and Frost!) Part of the reason they’re so powerful is that they always find another way – again, together – and never give up, especially when it comes to saving others.

The episode begins with Barry lamenting the role his emotions have played in his recent conflicts with Ramsey and Eva after a touching memorial service for the Wellses. “Lately, it feels like my heart is my enemies’ greatest weapon,” a disheartened Barry says to Joe. Hasn’t The Flash been down this “are emotions bad?” road before (several times)? Wasn’t season 4 mostly about Barry and company embracing the importance of their feelings? Luckily, I was a bit too hasty in my judgment, because it turns out the episode approaches this exhaustively explored theme from a new angle that made things very compelling. Read more…

Barry’s decision to publicly out Eva as a mirror clone is ostensibly the primary driver behind what appears to be her final break with reality, turning a sometime antagonist into what appears to be a very real and dangerous threat. He’s left an injured Kamilla and Singh in the mirror universe, with no clear path to saving them. And he’s dragged Iris out of the mirror against her will, an act that seems to have damaged her in some as yet undefined way. Read more…

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After mourning Nash and the Wellses, Barry and Cisco Ramon work towards saving Iris, Kamilla Hwang, and CCPD Captain Singh by opening a portal to the Mirrorverse. Barry discovers the A granted him speed-thinking, allowing him to predict outcomes while causing him to become impersonal. Using his new abilities, he exposes Eva as an imposter on live television, forcing he to flee. A choice emerges: save Iris or save Kamilla and Singh. When Barry priorities saving Iris exclusively, Cisco, Frost, and Allegra Garcia join forces to stop him, but fail. Meanwhile, Iris plans a rendezvous with Kamilla and Singh, but they experience seizures. When Barry opens th portal, he forces Iris to come through alone, but she also experiences seizures. This shocks Bar into realizing what he has done and disabling t ASF. Elsewhere, a maddened Eva schemes to take over the world by replacing everyone with mirror duplicates while a confused Earth-1

Harrison Wells materializes where his corpse was 20 years after his death.

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