The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 6


1678980439 The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 6


 Continuation from previous episode

Abdulrasaq – Asalamu Alaikum (He sallamed to both of them)

Yakub – Wa alaikum salam (He walked to meet him as he was approaching Khadijah)

Khadijah – Wa alaikum salam Sir…

Yakub – (stretch his hands forward to shake Abdulrasaq)

Abdulrasaq – (Received his hand shake and looked at how proud he was feeling)

Yakub – She’s my Fiance (talking to Abdulrasaq and starring at Khadijah for him to get the clue) (trying to intimidate him)

Abdulrasaq – Ohhh nice!…. She’s my Friend. (He withdrew his hands and faced Khadijah) Khadijah please we need to talk. (She didn’t respond to him. She just stayed quiet)

Yakub – Not when I’m still talking to her..

Abdulrasaq – I’m sorry.. I thought you were done talking.

Yakub – No I’m not… And now… If you could excuse us.

Abdulrasaq – Okay (Abdulrasaq gave them some space and stood to wait)

Yakub – Hey! Habibi hope you are fine?…

Khadijah – Yes I am… I just want to be alone. (She tried to walk away but Yakub held her back)

Yakub – I know I can’t make you smile right now, but if you truly want to be alone I know exactly where to take you.

Khadijah – Okay… Where??

Yakub – Just get in the car let’s go

Khadijah – Okay (She entered the car and He droved off)…

Abdulrasaq was so embarrassed he knows things would be a lot more difficult and he’s not ready to fight but only want her to the truth. He waited for a while if she would return early but hours past and she didn’t show up.

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 1



Yakub took Khadijah to a sandy beach and then He bought her some chilled juice with lemon and they cool off to take a break.

Khadijah – you have so much money… Tell me, what job do you do?

Yakub – (Smiled) I thought you’d never ask… I’m a business man. The CEO of “Yak’s complex” we deal on various stuffs.. you could check if you want.

Khadijah – That’s really great! Won’t you like to employ me someday?

Yakub –  Yeah! I have already made such plans. And I know you’re gonna love it.

Khadijah – (smiles…) Thanks for everything.

Yakub – Don’t mention… I hope you feel better now?

Khadijah – yes I feel good right now… Thanks

Yakub – (He tried to kiss her but she refused)

Khadijah – I have to go back home now. …

Yakub – Because of him right?… Someone that Abandoned you for 12years… Who does that?.. He doesn’t care about you.

Khadijah – Enough!! Just stop talking… I know all of that and you shouldn’t worry about him any longer. I don’t love him anymore.

Yukub – Are you sure about that?

Khadijah – Yes I’m sure.. I love now and soon we’ll be together. That’s all that matters now

Yakub – Okay then… Give me kiss to prove it!

Khadijah – No… Just trust me without asking for anything else.

Yakub – Okay fine… Just don’t let me down my Habibi.. I love you

Khadijah – (It was hard to say but she replied him this time) I love you too..

Khadijah returned home after everything… It was late in the evening… The time was past 9 when Yakub dropped her at her junction. To her greatest surprise the Young Scholar was just at the same spot that she left him.

See also  The Young Scholar Episode 9

Khadijah – (surprised) You are still here?

Abdulrasaq – Yeah! I came back after every salat.

Khadijah – Why??

Abdulrasaq – you need to know what happened… the Truth

Khadijah – I don’t understand.. What truth?

Abdulrasaq – The reason I’m here… And the reason we need to talk…

To be continued….

Written by Masud Umoru

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