My Favourite – Olise Joy

Olise%2B20210516_205435 My Favourite - Olise Joy

Olise Joy is one of my favourite friends back then in school and up until now we’re still good friends. She’s someone I always wanted to be around because of her positive thinking and good vibes. Joy is a good friend of Mariam, they are like birds of the same feather but a little different. She’s of average height fat and shiny black with a lovely smile she’s generous and I do like her type. She’s so concerned of the world and feels the pain and suffering of people. She is ever willing to help if she gets the chance and I’m hundred percent sure of that and for those that really knows her they will say the same. With her ravishing appearance and altitude she makes everyone see the real side;

– she’s friendly please but not too much

– she likes the funny ones and a little bit funny too

– she’s fun to be with and spend time with our friends

– she hardly get angry and she’s loyal and respectful.

– she’s pretty came and spud little big heart.

Well I like every quality even a bad side which I don’t know yet.

I’ve spent so many memorable moments with her and even after college I’ve been lucky to visit her at school and discuss on important things on what is worth doing.

We both hope for better days ahead and together we can make history with our great plans for Nigeria.

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Joy my Bestie I really miss her and Mariam. They are my joygivers in skul then

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Awwwn, thanks

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