A SOUL FOR A SOUL – A life will be lost for another to live (Part 1)

 A life for a life!

2e291aa0278c81e1debc09ce26107ab6 A SOUL FOR A SOUL - A life will be lost for another to live (Part 1)

Elizabeth has been married for 15years with no issue. Her husband Chibuzor has no problem with this predicament, but he’s family became a problem in his marriage. About seven years ago Elizabeth was forced to visit an herbalist after series of complain and maltreatment from her mother-in-law – Her Mother-in-law showers insults at her every single day of her life. It became worse when her mother-in-law relocated from the village to live with them in the city. Elizabeth complained to her husband about his mother attitude towards her after years of perseverance. The husband promised to settle their differences once he’s back on leave but urgency at work always kept him away. There wasn’t anyone else to help her solve her problem. 

Several times she had gone for check up together with her husband to see if they can diagnose them to see if anything was wrong or if there’s something they’re are not doing right but yet nothing was found. The doctor said she and her husband were Medically fine.

Since this is the case, she has to try the native means to get things solved. Elizabeth embarked on a four hours journey to Ijebu-ode to seek for solution from the great herbalist ọkunrin àrá. The herbalist consulted the gods of live “awọn oriṣa ti ifiwe” and they showed him the only possible solution. The herbalist informed her about what the gods revealed. The gods has promised to grant her request. The gods said:

 “My child you will give birth to a obedient boy, one with a great destiny but But it comes with a price, you won’t be there to watch him become the man he will be”. And so she was scared of taking the risk. Lossing her life wasn’t a good option for her, so she went back home with a heavy heart. She stayed this way for another seven years praying for a miracle to come by. Now she’s completely fed up for her marriage is at stake. She thought of accepting the offer of the herbalist. And this time she’s ready to give up her life for a great child to come in. A life for a life!

See also  The Mother I never had

Read next episode….

Written by Masud Umoru

Important Questions:

  • What’s the moral of the story?
  • Do you think she’s making the right decision?
  • Is there any other solution to her problem?
  • What will you do if assume you find yourself in the same situation?

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1)God time is the best
2)Not at all (wrong decision)
Because devil never gives someone everlasting solutions
3) Yeah
4) i will be patient
b) total trust in Allah
c) be very prayerful
d)i will be going medical treatment

comments user

1.That life is never a bed of roses
2. It could be a Yes or No….Her decision right now could end up either positively or negatively because after she ended up her life for a child to come in, there might still be repercussions for the child
3.sure, there is…
4. I really don't know, not until am in such situation, cause experience they say is different observations…and actions speaks louder than voice

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