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Let’s do one more good thing

Reunion (Akure) 2024

Last year it was Abuja, this year it will be Akure. I marked this post as “Let’s do one more good thing” probably because “k” comes after “b” as in Ak and Ab. LOL. That is true, but here’s the main reason: this unique association has never done better than it did yesterday and we call for collective will and effort to build on what we achieved in Abuja 2023 and make Akure 2024 the best and close to it.

The date is Sunday, September 29, 2024
The theme is “Roots and Wings, Spreading Boundaries”

Here are some tips:

. Logo
The logo reflects the theme. It shows that we have our roots in the school (embodied by the state/local government where the conference is held) and that we have become stronger and now have wings strong enough to carry the missile (to guide the colorful ball) in different directions of achievement (to expand our limits).
There are some links to last year’s theme, such as the different colors and directions of the roots/wings.

. Proximity and Registration
Abuja 2023 participants shared their stories and the Lagos chapter was almost over. Many who could not attend were upset. This year, Akure 2024 could be the most well-attended alumni event. All our Nigeria-based branches are accessible via better roads and accommodation and other food options are also more affordable, so we expect a lot of crowds.

When it is time to register, please log in immediately. We expect about 500 people to attend, but if you register, we will be able to adjust our plans accordingly.


. Activities
Although these are shareholder meetings, those marked as reunions are more social and will include many fun additions based on the feedback we received from the 2023 shareholder meeting.

Rain affected the start time in Abuja 2023, but we are hoping that milder weather will improve the schedule in Akure 2024 as we want to complete the official part and then move on to the social part. All with their own programs
Tip: Look for the Hollywood-style red carpet.
The raffle at the 2023 Annual Meeting was appreciated as it felt like every generation was involved. We will build on this for the 2024 Alumni Meeting

. Sponsorship and Trade
Our valued corporate sponsors were impressed and satisfied with Abuja 2023 and we believe they will go further and increase their support for Akure 2024.
We also received individual support from our alumni. The association has fostered a culture of giving, so we thank you again for your support. We have developed value-added services such as transportation assistance, closing agent sales, and unique advertising for sponsors and those trading at the event. 2024 Meeting will bring optimal benefits

The Meeting/AGM will be held once a year and will provide an opportunity to socialize, catch up with old friends and relax. We look forward to welcoming all our alumni to join us. As always, our advertising will be fully participatory, a schedule of activities will be announced and other things will be revealed in due course.

The local organizing committee has done a great job, the national organizing committee is also ready and you all have completed the three-way cable so we will not be disturbed anymore.

See also  Weekly Profile of FGC IDOANI ALUMNI'S 2

Let’s do it again, it will be better…

Thank you

National Organizing Committee

FGCIdAA Meeting 2024


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