A SOUL FOR A SOUL – A life will be lost for another to live (Part 5)

The Reveal Pt 2.

 It all started 8 years ago… She narrated “My friend Ijeoma advised me to see an herbalist to know the cause of my bareness at first I rejected her offer as she promised to take me to an herbalist in her village. But with time, my thoughts changed because of your mother. She maltreated me like I was the cause of my own problems and then I had to make this stop. I contacted my friend toyin at Ijebu-ode and informed her of my predicament. She told me she knows the right person that will solve my issues and so I gave her a try. So she showed me the shrine and I went there alone. I didn’t care to ask what was the cause of my problems, instead I requested for a favour of blessed child and in exchange the gods will take my life.”

Chibuzor was so surprised as he never knew that was her reason she traveled to Ijebu-ode. He Questioned: “Why did you make such choice?.. And how come you didn’t get pregnant 8years ago?.. then she continued.. “I didn’t accept the choice at first, I endured for another seven years. And I see I wasn’t getting younger to take a drastic action. Every woman in need of a child takes drastic moves like I did. I’m really sorry for keeping this all to myself.” 

Her mother-in-law quickly apologized to her hearing all she did to save the family lineage. Chibuzor is her only son and his father died a long time ago and ever since then she had been the one who catered for him and raised him to become the man he his now. She expressed her sadness. Treating her daughter-in-law badly was something she did regret. Elizabeth told her she understood her reasons for her actions and that was one reason she tolerate all she did. 

See also  Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 8

No one could blame her for what she did. Now they all stood confused thinking of how they can solve the problem of death. But it was too late as her water just broke. Her husband quickly carried her down to the car while her mother-in-law rushed to get important things from the house. He drove faster than ever so they can reach the hospital on time. The mother-in-law was at the back of the car with Elizabeth trying to calm her down. The road was very busy, but they managed to get through it. They arrive at the hospital and quickly she was taken straight to the labour room immediately.

It was a Happy and sad moment for her husband. He felt so bad knowing his wife would not come out from the labour room alive…. According to what she revealed to them. It was clear she will die….

To be continued….


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