The Life Of A Pious Woman Episode 2

 Author’s POV
If only we can love one another sincerely no one will have to get hurt. The words we alter most times are responsible for our future pains.

At the Muslim girls lodge room

Faridah – I don’t think anyone heard us. There’s no one at corridor.

Maryam & Naziat – Alhamdulilah (They felt relived)

Halimat – The words came out that way because I dislike Christians. And I don’t make friends with them.

Naziat – Why?

Halimat – I don’t want to talk about it.

Maryam – we are your friends you can tell us (she shift closer to her wanting to listen)

Faridah – (Sat with her and held her on the shoulders and waving her hands up and down to make her feel warmth) Your hijab is so soft

Halimat – (smiled) I know you all want me to talk that why you giving me this sudden treatment. (She tries to laugh). I still don’t feel happy thinking about it.

Naziat – Just try… Let it out!. There’s no way you can still feel sad when we are here with you. We will definitely make sure you smile, laugh and accept the past as it is.

Maryam – Yes exactly! (She supports Naziat’s)

Faridah – But I can guess why you dislike them. And I know it’s relating to love.

Halimat – (Tapped Faridah on her back) You are a wit*h baby girl. You guessed it right!.

Faridah – Ouch! (She made sounds as she responded to the stimulus act)

Maryam – (excited with Halimat’s remark) So tell us the sweet sad story my girl.

See also  The Young Scholar Chapter 2 Episode 16

Naziat – (paying attention while she watch the clock ticks)

Halimat – okay fine!.. story time. (She began to narrate her love story to them) After my first year in the university, I happened to meet a Christian guy who was so good with words. He plays keyboard and happened to lure me into liking musics. I fell deeply in love with him and I was totally lust because he always knew the right words to deceive me. Things in me were changing in my life. I was loosing my Deen and I was loosing all my Muslim friends that truly cared about me. I was blinded in love to the extent that I caught him cheating so many times and all he said was that he was keeping me for that special night. I cried in secret until my eyes got swollen. My heart couldn’t take the betray and I became devastated when more problems occurred. My dreams was shattered after we quarrel and broke up. I was hospitalised for months unable to reset my life.

Maryam & Naziat – (Tears rolled down their cheeks as they listened with all heart and sobered)

Faridah – (felt hurt too)

Halimat – it was only by the Mercy of Allah I regained my life back and embraced my Deen more tightly. (She looks clearly at Naziat this time and spoke directly to her) And I don’t want you to go through what I experienced.

Naziat – Your story is touching. I do understand your fear. But Sandra is a girl and not a boy.

Faridah – (interferes) But you two were talking about a boy. I heard the name “Chika”. And being a friend with Sandra means you are extending your hands to more Christian friends including guys.

See also  IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Episode 5]

Naziat – Fine! You have a point. But you don’t want to know my own point.

Halimat – What’s your point?

Naziat – Anyone could have done exactly what that guy did to you, whether Muslim or Christian. But the most important aspect you chip in which is very important to hold on is having control of your “Deen”.

Halimat – Now I’m starting to agree with you.

Faridah – The prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) told us to move with people of good nature.

Maryam – Na’am… My scholars are speaking oo (she was happy hearing an admonition)

Naziat – For now I think we need to pause the Argument… (She shows them the clock) It’s time for Salat my babies.

(All four girls made preparation [ablution] to observe salat and Faridah stood in the middle to lead them in prayer)

The next day…

(Right before Halimat took her bath, she noticed  someone tempered with her bucket of water so she didn’t use it. Later she found out it contained a liquid substance that would make her itch all day.)

Halimat – (relate the issue with her friends) I don’t know who added “werekpe” to my bathing water this morning.

Faridah – Ahhh!.. I hope Sandra didn’t over hear us last night.

Maryam – (scared) I hope so. Me I don’t want trouble ohh!

Naziat – Sandra can’t do that type of thing even though she heard you. And we shouldn’t be accusing her off something we aren’t sure off.

Halimat – Me I’m not accusing anyone. Alhamdulilah I didn’t bath with the water. I only used on my palm and till now it’s still scratching me.


Naziat – Alhamdulilah!.. but that’s wickedness nah!

Faridah – Can you see why Halimat was warning you? Ehnn Naziat.

Naziat – I know ee.. let’s quickly enter the staff room and get prepared for work. (She hurried her friends up)

(Halimat took the first step in and the wet ground and banner peels on the floor made her slip and fell with her head hitting the floor so hard… Blood flows from her injured head and all her three friends lost their senses as their fright grew stronger in their heart. All they could do was to scream out loud and yelled for help.)

_To be continued_

*Written by Masud Umoru*

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