Blood On My Hands Part 1 Episode 15


(Uncle Musa and Rasheed walking on a staircase)..

Rasheed – Where are you taking me?

Uncle Musa – I want to you something to refresh your memory.

Rasheed – And What could that be?

Uncle Musa – It’s something from your past Rasheed… You and I are more alike. Our stories are quite similar.

Rasheed – How? What do you mean?

Uncle Musa – (He opened the door to his home library and they both entered) You see, I killed my dad when I was younger to inherit all of his properties. Out of pity I left one for my younger brother and that one I neglected became the most precious of all and guess what…

Rasheed – What??

Uncle Musa – I got it back by wiping out my brother and his entire family.

Rasheed – so how are we alike?

Uncle Musa – When you were just 5years old, You caused an explosion that wiped out your entire family. So much worse than I can ever be. You destined for this.. you are destined to be in control of everything you touch. All the wealth and power would be yours if you walk into this path calling you. (He searched for a news paper that report on the accident and gave it to Rasheed)

Rasheed – All these can’t be true…(swipe the pages as he read through the headlines and go through the picture)

Uncle Musa – I told you before and I’ll say it again… The Devil does not like jokes.. And I hope you get that this time. (He brought out a frame from a dusty corner and showed him an old pics of him and his real family)

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Rasheed – How did you get all of this?…

Uncle Musa – (He smiled) The blood is our vain. Just like Hajarat… We are all smart and we know how to get hands on what we need. And right now, I want to play a game of chess with her and you’ll be my accomplice.

Rasheed – No I can’t betray Hajarat. She’s a good person.

Uncle Musa – You haven’t given me a good reason Rasheed. I can feel the darkness in you… It’s over there in your heart and you can’t lock it up., you don’t have to fail me Rasheed… Tell me what is her plan and why did she send you to kill the Dark knight assassin? Or was it a prank?

Rasheed – I don’t know what her plans are but I would help you find out. But first I have an unfinished business.

Uncle Musa – Ohhh… I will give you time to trash out the family issue but don’t take too long or I’ll loose my patience.

Rasheed – Okay… Thank you (he worked out from the library)

Uncle Musa – (on quick dial)

Draco – My lord (on ear pods)

Uncle Musa – Keep an eye on him (referring to Rasheed)

Draco – (watched Rasheed carefully as he left)


Sofiat POV
More than 8 hours we waited for Rasheed’s call. I was wondering he risked his Life to save mine and for this reason I owe him alot.

Sofiat – (couldn’t sleep all night) (she walked up to her aunt in her room) Good morning Aunt.


Aunt Hajarat – Good morning!..  I see you couldn’t sleep.

Sofiat – Yes. I just want to know if Rasheed is safe.

Aunt Hajarat – I believe he’s safe. But I fear your uncle might have done a lot harm to him.

Sofiat – If he dares to touch him, I will kill him (she raised her voice in rage)..

Aunt Hajarat – calm down soffie.. that isn’t the point. Your uncle is capable of manipulating weak minds and you should also be ready against the old man’s weapon.

Sofiat – Hmmm… Sincerely I do not understand you or him. How you both think, why don’t I see things in your ways?

Aunt Hajarat – Trust me Soffie… You’re doing fine. You are our niece and so the blood flows in you. The Blood is in Your Vain.

Sofiat – (smiles…) You never stop giving me hope.

Aunt Hajarat – (she smiled back at her) (she got up from her bed and entered the secret room with soffie) (then she said;) I followed up with the cops discussion last night… They thought they’ve lost the dark knight assassin.

Sofiat – Ohhh what a pity!

Aunt Hajarat – Yeah!… For the meanwhile, you need to go on a vacation case.

Sofiat – Ohhh wow!.. (she felt excited).. so where is this place?

Aunt Hajarat – It’s called ‘Apelle’

Sofiat – ‘Apelle’?..

Aunt Hajarat – Yeah… That’s where Yakub Abdulsallam (armed man 3) lives with his family.

Sofiat – Isn’t that the city of the Young Scholar?

Aunt Hajarat – Yeah and here’s the file about everyone you’d encounter with. (She stretched the files to her)

See also  IN LOVE WITH MY STEP [Episode 2]

Sofiat – I’m glad… It would be an honour to meet with the Young Scholar.

To be continued….

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