The bleeding heart and the lost world (episode 1)


824cf9c73e67daa1dc587ff6d65e64cf The bleeding heart and the lost world (episode 1)
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The bleeding heart and the lost world

Long Long time ago before the earth was ever created, there was a world that was once built with a heart that never loved. Darkness was their only source of inspiration. They drawn wisdom from ancient tales that their grandfathers and their fathers before them left behind but none of them was about love, peace and unity. This world strive in pain to understand the meaning of life and the Life which they were given. 

Years after years their heart becomes more weaken and broken allowing the demons of the forbidden caged world into their own world, at this time the lands that ever were turned into shred and pieces, they watched as their world cracked against itself. They felt the agony and the wrath of nature, love was their only hope. The demons took what ever was left of it and returned back to their own world. Leaving this world shattered Leaving mankind to its greatest nightmare. It was at this time, at this darkest moment that the prophecy of the most supreme being came to life. A mother gave birth to a child that carries with him hope and love in his gentle heart and so he’s journey begins under the watchful eyes of a great father.

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